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75 years of social work in Dortmund

75 years of social work in Dortmund



Anniversary celebration: When? Where? Who? How much?

The ceremony to mark "75 years of social work at the Dortmund location" will take place on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 in the Dietrich Keuning House.

When and where?

The ceremony for "75 years of social work at the Dortmund location" will take place on Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Admission is at 5 pm.

Details of the program will follow.

The venue is the Dietrich-Keuning-Haus(Opens in a new tab)  in Dortmund, an institution in the north of Dortmund. As a place of encounter and communication, which sees itself both as a cultural center with its own children's and youth area and as a link for all local actors* and at the same time as a socio-political place with supra-regional impact, the Dietrich-Keuning-Haus also spatially spans the arc to the occasion of the ceremony.

Who and how much?

Among others, stakeholders of the faculty and the university, cooperation partners, alumni and graduates of the last graduation years are invited.

Graduates please register via a registration form, all other guests will receive a personal invitation and then please register by e-mail with the faculty.

Registration for graduates is now open. Places are unfortunately limited.

Registration: Anniversary celebration

All questions regarding registration for the "75 years of social work at the Dortmund location" ceremony can be found in the registration form.

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • Vombecker - Office for design