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Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL)




E-World energy & water 2023 trade fair in Essen


Philip Wizenty (IDiAL), Marc Wietzke (ruhrvalley) and Andreas Diepenbrock (IDiAL) presented their demonstrator at the trade fair stand.

The E-world trade fair in Essen is a leading event for the energy and water industry. It offers companies, experts and interested parties a platform for exchanging information about the latest developments and products in the industry.

Fachhochschule Dortmund was once again successfully represented this year. The employees of the Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL) Andreas Diepenbrock, Philip Wizenty, Marcel Mitas, Marco Hecktor and Simon Trebbau presented their demonstrator and were available to answer questions from interested trade fair visitors.

A key issue for smart cities is the effective exchange of data. The Smart City Ecosystem (SCitE)(Opens in a new tab)  is developing a solution to the challenge of data silo formation in collaboration with companies in the ruhrvalley project. SCitE enables cities and companies to exchange data in their own smart city ecosystem without having to implement a new system. The data remains with the respective partner and is connected to the smart city ecosystem via an interface.