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Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL)



Dissertation Dr. rer. nat. Robert Höttger

Model-Based Exploration of Parallelism in the Context of Automotive Multi-Core Systems

We at IDiAL are proud of a doctorate with summa cum laude. Robert Höttger leaves Fachhochschule Dortmund with this top grade.

Robert Höttger began his Bachelor's degree in Information & Media Technology in 2007, followed by a Master's degree in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. After completing his Bachelor's thesis at an automotive supplier in 2011, he began working for us as a research assistant in the EU research project Amalthea alongside his Master's degree.

His research activities were incorporated into his Master's thesis and further developed in his dissertation. He devoted himself to the optimization of parallel execution software in automobiles. Various new and resource-saving methods were developed to meet the enormous requirements of modern vehicles that will drive autonomously in the future.

In the years of research, he published 20 peer-reviewed articles, took over the project management in other European ITEA projects, supervised numerous project work, Google Summer of Code projects, bachelor and master theses and consumed tons of coffee, as Robert himself confirms with a grin afterwards.

Since October 2020, Dr. Höttger has been working for the Dortmund-based company MATERNA, where he is dedicated to new exciting challenges from the world of the cloud for major industrial customers. The period of his life at the University of Applied Sciences was extremely formative and fruitful for Dr. Robert Höttger. Special thanks go to his great colleagues at IDiAL and especially to his two supervisors for their tireless support.

Robert Höttger's dissertation was written in collaboration with TU Dortmund University and the University of Osnabrück. His dissertation was supervised by Prof. Dr. Burkhard Igel at Fachhochschule Dortmund and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olaf Spinczyk (initially TU Dortmund University and now Osnabrück University) and was completed at Osnabrück University in 2021. His two supervisors are particularly proud of the result achieved and the grade "summa cum laude". Such an outstanding doctorate with distinction is the exception rather than the rule, even at university level.

His disputation took place on April 22, 2021 at the University of Osnabrück.


  • Prof. Dr. Burkhard Igel, (IDiAL, Fachhochschule Dortmund)
  • Prof. Dr. Olaf Spinczyk, (Faculty of Computer Science, University of Osnabrück)
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Ulbrich, (Faculty of Computer Science, Dortmund University of Technology)