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gesamtkunstwerk e.V.

Who or what do we stand up for?

We work with people with disabilities who not only want to participate in cultural life, but also actively shape it. One part of our work is the qualification of musically talented and interested people who are unable to study at a music college due to their personal situation. Another key component is our inclusive bands, which work in the professional music business.

How do we do that?

We currently organize training for 11 people within their working hours in workshops for people with disabilities - we are a so-called external workplace in the field of music. The people come to us two days a week and are trained by us in areas such as music theory, instrumental playing, singing, rhythm/groove and band work.

In addition, we do the booking (i.e. organizing concerts and gigs) for a total of 9 bands in which people with and without disabilities play together on an equal footing. Some of these bands work at a professional level and play on stages, at festivals and events throughout Germany.

How can you get involved?

For concerts, tours and festivals, we need people to assist our members with special needs. The focus here is not on care, but on organizational and accompanying activities. A musical affinity is an advantage, but not a basic requirement. We also occasionally need stage assistants who have a musical and technical understanding of quick set-up and dismantling work on festival stages.

What opportunities are there to get involved with us?

permanent; occasional; one-off;

We are grateful for any help! Some of our members with disabilities are on the autism spectrum and sometimes have a great need for consistency and reliability. For this, occasional support from the same person would be beneficial. We also have a need for longer-term commitments and in some cases one-off support (driving, transportation, towing) can also be useful.

What can we always use - what do we need?

We can use people who are not afraid of contact, who are open and welcoming to all people, who are calm and composed even in stressful situations.

We can also use people who are familiar with the accessible design of texts/websites, for example, or who are interested in musical content work.

How can you contact us?

E-Mail: info(a)gesamtkunstwerk-ev.de
Phone: +49 1575 3415164
Website: https://www.gesamtkunstwerk-ev.de

Address: Althoffstraße
Althoffstraße 25,
44137 Dortmund

What else we have to say

We offer insights behind big stages (Juicy Beats, jazzahead, Tanzbrunnen Köln, domicil, FZW,...), fulfilling work with great people, the opportunity to be part of important changes in the cultural landscape and music at the highest level. If you are unsure whether this is something for you, you are welcome to come and get to know us. We are grateful for any commitment!

Notes and references