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Who or what do we stand up for?

Since 2015, we have been refurbishing old, donated computers with juniors, refugees and senior citizens, loading them with free Linux programs and assembling them with the necessary accessories to make them available free of charge to those in need so that they can participate in digital life.

How do we do that?

The kids prepare the devices under the guidance of senior citizens, students and other "nerds", but the introduction to the digital world is much more complex. Projects such as programming Raspberry pi's, surfing stations for retirement homes, building fine dust measuring stations and, of course, our own ideas are also implemented.

We work on a purely voluntary basis, do not buy or sell any equipment. No participant pays a membership fee. We support anyone who has ideas.

How can you get involved?

All possibilities! Everyone within the scope of their interests and abilities, everyone can join our team. We are flexible and do what we want!

Donate equipment and accessories once or several times, for as long as you want and have the time, either as an information giver or/and as an information taker.

With us, the boundaries are floating. Of course, participants will also receive a PC if needed.

What opportunities are there to get involved with us?

permanent; occasional; one-off

What can we always use - what do we need?

People with IT experience in software and hardware, but also anyone who would like to support our project. We urgently need rooms in which we can work and store materials, as well as equipment donations.

How can you contact us?

E-Mail: pcschrauben(a)t-online.de
Phone: 0171-2717932
Website: www.pcycle-piraten.de

Johannesstrasse 6,
44137 Dortmund

Notes and references