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Westfalia Bildungszentrum e.V.

Who or what do we stand up for?

  • People with refugee experience
  • Socially disadvantaged children (all children and young people with and without a migration background)

How do we do that?

We have Bamf approval to run integration and vocational language courses. We organize language cafés, create meeting spaces and hold reunion parties.

For the children:
Extracurricular educational work
Learning support
Educational vacation projects

How can you get involved?

  • Students
  • Volunteers
  • Committed interested parties

What opportunities are there to get involved with us?


What can we always use - what do we need?

Tutors for the learning center People who want to organize and run a language café Students in their practical semester

How can you contact us?

E-mail: a.sekmen(a)wbzev.de
Phone: 0231-99951013
Website: https://wbzev.de

Address: Bissenkamp
Bissenkamp 12-16,
44135 Dortmund

What else we have to say

We have been involved in extracurricular educational activities and organizing various social projects since 1995.

We want to reach people who know that you help yourself when you help others - and who do it with heart and soul.

Notes and references