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Smart Edge Lab



Smart Edge Lab

International innovation and research center in the field of edge computing

About the Smart Edge Lab

Edge computing has developed into an important area of innovation and research that brings together information technology and communication technology and provides new, powerful solutions.

The Smart Edge Lab is a research facility at Fachhochschule Dortmund that develops scientific findings and solutions in the field of edge computing. Several interdisciplinary research teams work in close cooperation with companies on new edge infrastructures and services for critical industrial and consumer applications.

The Smart Edge Lab conducts application-oriented research with a time horizon of five years before market launch. As an innovation center for edge technologies, it is the point of contact for local and global industry.

Projects in the Smart Edge Lab

News from the Smart Edge Lab

Contact us

Portrait von Prof. Dr. Rolf Schuster __ Portrait of Prof. Dr. Rolf Schuster
Prof. Rolf Schuster, Dr.
  • +49 231 91126710
Office hours

Thursdays 14:15 - 15:50

Portrait von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Recker __ Portrait of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Recker
Prof. Stephan Recker, Dr.
  • +49 231 91126710
Office hours

by arrangement

Notes and references

Photo credits

  • Google DeepMind by Khyati
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Matthias Fritsch
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Marcus Heine