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News from Fachhochschule Dortmund



Applied Social Sciences

Soccer and emotions


Fan march in Dortmund during Euro 2024

Soccer and emotions

Emotional outbursts after winning a penalty shoot-out, collective jubilation, tears of joy at public viewings. Emotions are booming at the current European Football Championship.

Prof. Dr. Jochem Kotthaus researches and teaches in the Faculty of Applied Social Studies on topics such as emotions and sport and is also focusing on the current major event of the European Football Championship in Germany.

He has recently spoken to Deutschlandfunk(Opens in a new tab)  and the SWR science editorial team(Opens in a new tab)  about his findings. In addition, radioeins of Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb)(Opens in a new tab)  conducted an in-depth interview with Prof. Kotthaus on the topic. In it, the researcher also answers questions about whether and how emotional he is at soccer matches.

Prof. Dr. Jochem Kotthaus also deals with these topics outside of the European Championship 2024. Among other things, he is co-editor and author of the series "Sportfans im Blickpunkt sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung(Opens in a new tab) ".

Portrait von Prof. Dr. Jochem Kotthaus __ Portrait of Prof. Dr. Jochem Kotthaus
Prof. Jochem Kotthaus, Dr.
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