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The library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund

Library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund



Submission of dissertations

Doctoral candidates at the Graduate Center NRW are required to submit their dissertation to the library of their member university. Here you can find information on the procedure at Fachhochschule Dortmund.

According to §15 of the Framework Doctoral Degree Regulations(Opens in a new tab)  of the Graduate Center for Applied Research in North Rhine-Westphalia (PK NRW), there is an obligation to "make the dissertation in the version accepted by the doctoral committee available to the scientific public in an appropriate manner". This includes submitting a certain number of copies to the library of the member university. There are three different options for this:

  1. Submission of two printed and bound copies as well as additional upload as an electronic publication in PubliDo, the university publication server of Fachhochschule Dortmund (see below).
  2. Submission of three copies for publication in a scientific journal with a proven minimum circulation of 100 copies.
  3. Submission of three copies if the dissertation is distributed by a commercial publisher via the book trade. The prerequisite is that a minimum print run of 100 copies can be proven or that the publisher contractually guarantees that the book will be available in bookshops for a period of at least four years.

The library issues the doctoral candidate with a certificate of submission of the dissertation. In addition, it adds at least one of the copies to its collection and forwards the electronic deposit copies to the German National Library and the Münster University and State Library as the responsible state library in accordance with Section 56 (6) KulturGB NRW(Opens in a new tab) .

Delivery of printed copies

Printed copies can be handed in at the library at the Emil-Figge-Str. 44 location. An appointment must be made in advance. Please contact us by e-mail at bibfh-dortmundde to arrange an appointment and make further arrangements.

Submission of the electronic publication

To submit the electronic version of your dissertation, please use our university publication server PubliDo. This is very simple: you only need to enter a few metadata, upload the dissertation as a PDF and sign the publication contract. Your publication will then be activated by the library. Further information and instructions for publication can be found here(Opens in a new tab) . If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you. In this case, simply contact us by e-mail at bibfh-dortmundde  

Further information on the doctorate

The library is only responsible for the admission of dissertations from the PK NRW. For all other questions concerning your doctorate, please contact the colleagues from the Graduate Center at Fachhochschule Dortmund(Opens in a new tab) .