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The library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund

Library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund



Open Access & Publication Funding

The library supports researchers at Fachhochschule Dortmund in all aspects of open access and the transformation contracts with certain publishers.

The basic idea of open access is unrestricted, free access to and reusability of scientific literature, as free as possible from technical and legal barriers. Other objectives include speeding up the publication process, greater independence from traditional publishers and faster dissemination and increased visibility of scientific information. Open Access journals and, in some cases, books are now established in many specialist disciplines.

Publication fees (APCs, see below) are usually charged for publishing in an open access journal. To ease the financial burden on researchers, the Alliance of German Science Organizations has negotiated special contracts with the largest scientific publishers as part of the DEAL initiative, so-called transformation contracts. These are based on the "Publish and Read" model: Members of the participating institutions can access (almost) the entire range of e-journals offered by the participating publishers and at the same time have the opportunity to publish their own articles in the appropriate journals. The publication costs are borne by the institutions; there are no additional fees for reading access.

Similar agreements also exist with some individual, smaller publishers outside the DEAL project.

Our service

The library supports researchers at Fachhochschule Dortmund with the publication of scientific literature in Open Access and with questions about DEAL and the other transformation contracts. Here you will find answers to some frequently asked questions, further links and contact information for counseling.

FAQ on Open Access and publication funding