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News from Fachhochschule Dortmund



CSR Office

Sustainability Week on the Emil-Figge-Straße campus


The Fachhochschule Dortmund's mobile sustainability office "Soffi" will be on Martin-Schmeißer-Platz during the Sustainability Week.

Dortmund's two major universities and the Studierendenwerk are hosting a Sustainability Week from 10 to 15 June 2024, focusing on sustainable living in everyday life for students, employees and anyone else who is interested. Organized by the sustainability offices and the General Student Committees (AStA) of Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Dortmund University of Technology as well as Studierendenwerk Dortmund, guests can expect a mixture of workshops, lectures as well as action and information stands. The majority of the program will take place on the joint TU and FH campus on Emil-Figge-Straße. All offers and information are available online: www.fh.do/nachhaltig(Opens in a new tab) 

Some highlights of Sustainability Week 2024:

  • Upcycling stations: How old materials are turned into new, creative products.
  • Vegan cooking courses: New ideas for dishes and sustainable cooking.
  • Bicycle repair workshop: Check-up for bikes and e-bikes. Small repairs can be carried out directly on site under supervision.
  • Clothes exchange: swap or donate? An old outfit can end up in good hands or you can combine your own and other people's clothes to create a new style.
  • Lectures: From psychological counseling to the JungChemiker Forum - sustainability has many aspects. On Wednesday (June 12), the focus will be on sustainability in university teaching. In the lecture series "Zwischen Brötchen und Borussia", the "Physikanten & Co." will put on a show about energy on Saturday (June 15).
  • Fachhochschule Dortmund's mobile sustainability office "Soffi"(Sustainability Office) will be located on Martin-Schmeißer-Platz (in front of the main cafeteria) during the Sustainability Week. The FH's mobile bicycle repair station is also located there.
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Soffi: A Tiny House Office for Fachhochschule Dortmund

"Raising awareness for sustainable action"

Dorothee Albrecht, Climate Protection Manager at Fachhochschule Dortmund, is looking forward to the event: "Sustainability Week offers a good opportunity to raise awareness of sustainable action and inspire people to make more environmentally friendly decisions in their everyday lives."

Dr. Henning Moldenhauer from TU Dortmund University's Sustainability Office emphasizes the importance of exchange: "It is important that we talk about sustainability together, exchange ideas and engage in constructive discourse. This is the only way we can bring about change as a community and contribute to the sustainable society of tomorrow."

Studierendenwerk Dortmund is also actively involved and will be offering sustainable food in its canteens throughout the week. Rico Heber from Studierendenwerk Dortmund says: "We want to show that sustainability also has an important place in the culinary sector and that even small changes can make a big difference."

The Sustainability Week is free of charge and open to all interested parties.