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Coalition for fighting violence in prison

Schnelle Fakten

Über das Projekt

Twenty years ago, on 26 October 2000, the  European Court of Human Rights solemnly affirmed, in a judgment in the case of Kudla v. Poland, the right of every prisoner to conditions of detention consistent with respect for human dignity. Former detainees, human rights defenders and academics joined together to report on the achievements of this case law and its effects in the daily life in prisons in Europe. Through a multimedia event to be released in November 2020 until June 2021, they will give the floor to actors of the prison field across Europe to analyse the stakes of the recognition of prisoners’ rights.

The project will be released here: (Öffnet in einem neuen Tab) 


Auswärtigen Amt


Kooperation mit dem European Prison Litigation Network

Kontakt & Team

Ansprechperson und Leitung

Portrait von Christine Graebsch __ Portrait of Christine Graebsch
Prof. Christine Graebsch, Dr.
  • 0231 91124911

Nach Absprache per E-Mail

Erläuterungen und Hinweise


  • Fachhochschule Dortmund | Roland Baege

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