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On the points of regularity of multivariate functions of bounded variation

Schnelle Fakten

  • Interne Autorenschaft

  • Veröffentlichung

    • 2004
  • Sammelband

    On the points of regularity of multivariate functions of bounded variation (29)

  • Zeitschrift/Zeitung

    Real Analysis Exchange (2)

  • Organisationseinheit

  • Fachgebiete

    • Angewandte Mathematik
  • Format

    Journalartikel (Artikel)


B. Lenze, “On the points of regularity of multivariate functions of bounded variation,” Real Analysis Exchange, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 647–656, 2004 [Online]. Available:


In the one-dimensional case it is well-known that functions of bounded variation on R possess at most a countable number of non-regular points. In this paper we will show that multivariate functions f : Rn → R of bounded variation satisfying the condition lim|x|→∞ f (x) = 0 are non-regular at most on a subset of Rn of Lebesgue measure zero. Moreover, we will point out that this result is best possible.

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