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Note on interpolation on the hypercube by means of sigma-pi neural networks

Schnelle Fakten

  • Interne Autorenschaft

  • Veröffentlichung

    • 2004
  • Sammelband

    Note on interpolation on the hypercube by means of sigma-pi neural networks (61)

  • Zeitschrift/Zeitung


  • Organisationseinheit

  • Fachgebiete

    • Angewandte Informatik
  • Format

    Journalartikel (Artikel)


B. Lenze, “Note on interpolation on the hypercube by means of sigma-pi neural networks,” Neurocomputing, vol. 61, pp. 471–478, 2004.


In this note, we sketch the construction of a quite easy interpolation process on the hypercube, which can be put into the framework of a three-layer feed-forward neural network based on sigma–pi units. Detailed learning and recall algorithms and concrete examples are also included.

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