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Overview of ImageCLEFmedical 2023 – Caption Prediction and Concept Detection

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J. Rückert, A. Ben Abacha, A. G. Seco de Herrera, L. Bloch, R. Brüngel, A. Idrissi-Yaghir, H. Schäfer, H. Müller, and C. M. Friedrich, “Overview of ImageCLEFmedical 2023 – Caption Prediction and Concept Detection,” CLEF 2023 Working Notes. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Aachen, Germany, pp. 1328–1346, 2023 [Online]. Available:


The ImageCLEFmedical 2023 Caption task on caption prediction and concept detection follows similar challenges held from 2017–2022. The goal is to extract Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) concept annotations and/or define captions from image data. Predictions are compared to original image captions. Images for both tasks are part of the Radiology Objects in COntext version 2 (ROCOv2) dataset. For concept detection, multi-label predictions are compared against UMLS terms extracted from the original captions with additional manually curated concepts via the F1-score. For caption prediction, the semantic similarity of the predictions to the original captions is evaluated using the BERTScore. The task attracted strong participation with 27 registered teams, 13 teams submitted 116 graded runs for the two subtasks. Participants mainly used multi-label classification systems for the concept detection subtask, the winning team AUEB-NLP-Group used an ensemble of three CNNs. For the caption prediction subtask, most teams used encoder-decoder architectures, with the winning team CSIRO using an encoder-decoder framework with an additional reinforcement learning optimization step.

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