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At work with Lars Harmsen, Slanted

Schnelle Fakten

  • Interne Autorenschaft

  • Weitere Publizierende

    Jeremy Leslie

  • Veröffentlichung

    • London: Magculture 2024
  • Organisationseinheit

  • Fachgebiete

    • Graphikdesign/Kommunikationsgestaltung
  • Format

    Beitrag in wissenschaftlichen Blogs


L.-M. Harmsen and J. Leslie, “At work with Lars Harmsen, Slanted.” Magculture, London, 2024 [Online]. Available:


Lars Harmsen is the founder and editor of Slanted magazine, which he started in 2014 with Julia Kahl. We hear from him as issue 43 of the design magazine, about graphics in Ukraine, is published.

Lars is a busy man; I first met him at the Colophon conference in Luxembourg back in 2009, when Slanted was just building a name as a European design blog. Today, alongside the website and magazine, he is creative director and partner of Munich-based agency Melville Brand Design and teaches typography at Dortmund University.

He talks through the start of Slanted, and explains how the publication has developed over the past ten years to become a vital reference point for contemporary graphics, helping to spread attention beyond the traditional heartlands of the discipline.

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