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Participation creates health

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Health promotion strategies for lesbian, bisexual and queer women*

Transfer and perspective conference of the Queergesund* study: Dortmund, February 17 and 18, 2017

Over 100 people from the fields of education, healthcare, politics, counseling and the community attended the conference in Dortmund. The conference participants listened to presentations on the health of non-heterosexual women*, exchanged ideas in workshops and discussed suitable strategies for reducing discrimination in the healthcare system.

The starting point for the symposium was the Queergesund* study, a participatory study that analyzed the health promotion needs of lesbian, bisexual and queer women*. It showed that there is still a need for action in the area of anti-discrimination and equality for non-heterosexual lifestyles. In particular, the results also pointed to necessary changes in care practices and access barriers for non-heterosexual women*.

After welcoming addresses by Professor Wilhelm Schwick, Rector of the Fachhochschule Dortmund, and Manfred Sauer, Mayor of the City of Dortmund, Barbara Steffens, Minister for Health, Care, Emancipation and Ageing of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, emphatically emphasized that the health care system and the various professional groups must be made more aware of the needs and requirements of lesbian, bisexual and queer* (LBQ*) women.

Various international studies have shown that experiences of discrimination represent a health burden and that discrimination makes access to the healthcare system more difficult.
Opening of the conference by Gabriele Dennert
In contrast, the resources and potential that can be associated with a life "against the mainstream" and beyond the majority society are given too little consideration - both subjectively and socially. This was made clear by the speakers Prof. Ulrike Böhmer (Boston University, USA), Dr. Bärbel Traunsteiner (WU Vienna, Austria) and Dr. Gesa Teichert (HAWK, Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen, Germany). Their keynote speeches were dedicated to cancer in non-heterosexual women*, lesbians and age(ing), as well as the (re)production of heteronormativity and its effects on dealing with physicality, illness and health.

Eight forums offered in-depth discussions on topics such as lesbians and the desire to have children, trans*positive counseling approaches, women's* history, the health consequences of cis-normative discrimination and violence. In addition, two World Cafés offered the opportunity to develop joint approaches for action. The two days concluded with a fishbowl discussion on the question "What next?". The standardized recording of gender and sexual identity and lifestyle in health care, the anchoring of diversity-related content in the training and further education curricula of the health professions, the development of a diversity seal of approval for medical practices and clinics are some of the concrete approaches and strategies that were compiled and discussed.

The participants engaged in intensive discussions - not only among the traditional players in the healthcare system and health policy, but also between those working in different contexts such as politics, counseling, education, research on gender aspects and health. Continuing the discussion and exchange was therefore a frequently expressed wish of the participants.

Founding meeting of the network* "Sexual and gender diversity and care"

Network* report by Tobias Scheiter

On February 17, 2017, the founding meeting of the Network* "Sexual and Gender Diversity and Care" took place at the Fachhochschule Dortmund, which was initiated by various people who work scientifically and research sexual and gender diversity in German-speaking countries.

As an interdisciplinary network in the field of health, it will close several gaps that currently exist in this area: across disciplines and professions, it is aimed at all those who work scientifically and research non-heteronormative and non-gender binary approaches in health care and research.

The participants had the opportunity to express their initial wishes, needs and open questions regarding the network*s. The joint discussion focused on the following topics, among others:

Shaping further exchange and interdisciplinary cooperation
Linking research and practice
Political public relations work
Further funding opportunities
Other people interested in the network* can join the mailing list by sending an expression of interest to queertagungfh-dortmundde.

Video and sound recordings

The conference was captured in video recordings, which will be made available on the online knowledge portal "LSBTI(Opens in a new tab) " from the beginning of 2018.

[i] The "asterisk" used throughout the text represents an attempt to consider and include the diversity of gender and sexual identities and lifestyles.

Notes and references

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