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The representatives of the university of applied sciences

There are one or more representatives at Fachhochschule Dortmund for many individual areas of interest. Here you will find an overview of the areas of activity and contact details.

Data protection officer

All employees who use personal data are therefore responsible for compliance with data protection. To this end, they draw up the necessary processing records. The Data Protection Officer Katrin Zeigerer is responsible for advising them on this and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

Equal Opportunities Officer

The Equal Opportunities team at Fachhochschule Dortmund ensures that gender equality in teaching, research and administration is implemented throughout the university. Cooperation with the decentralized equal opportunities officers and other networks for women is an important component of our work.

Safety supervisors

The safety engineer is responsible for safety-related support at Fachhochschule Dortmund. He/she advises the employer, the persons responsible for occupational health and safety and the employees in all matters relating to occupational safety. This includes, in particular, counseling and support in the design of workplaces and the assessment of working conditions.

The safety engineer and company doctor work together to fulfill their tasks. This includes joint workplace inspections and assessments.

Threat management team

The Fachhochschule Dortmund attaches great importance to the safety of its students and employees. For this reason, a threat management system has been set up to support those affected, assess behavior that is perceived as threatening and, if necessary, initiate measures.

Other representatives

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