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News from Fachhochschule Dortmund



Impact Cup

Sustainability Award of the Dortmund Universities


Prof. Dr. Sabrina Scheidler (front) from the Faculty of Business Studies at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts receives the first Impact Cup. Congratulations (from right): Svenja Stepper, Chancellor of Fachhochschule Dortmund, Prof. Dr. Franz Vogler, Vice-Rector for Sustainability and Digitalization, and Sustainability Manager Sebastian Kreimer.

The two major universities in Dortmund have awarded their "Impact Cup" sustainability prizes for the first time. At the end of the joint Sustainability Week, committed members of the university were honored. Fachhochschule Dortmund awarded its challenge cup to Prof. Dr. Sabrina Scheidler, who teaches and researches sustainability management and corporate sustainability (CS) at the Faculty of Business Studies.

"Sabrina Scheidler teaches the future leaders of tomorrow how sustainable Business Studies are possible," praised Svenja Stepper, Chancellor of Fachhochschule Dortmund, in her laudatory speech. In addition, she was committed to focusing on sustainability issues in university development and, together with a team of several professors, initiated the establishment of a sustainability office (CSR Office) at Fachhochschule Dortmund and played a key role in its development. "We are now the first university in North Rhine-Westphalia with a common good balance sheet, sustainability topics are part of the teaching curriculum and we have invested in mobility projects and photovoltaic systems," says the Chancellor. "We are continuing along this path and actively supporting sustainable development in society."

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FH the first university in NRW with a common good balance sheet

"Sustainability is a team sport"

The trophy symbolizes sustainability, which must be taken care of.

"Sustainability is a team sport," emphasized Sabrina Scheidler in her words of thanks. She could therefore only accept the award on behalf of others. "It also stands for the many others here at the university who are committed. That's why the trophy will have its place at the faculty." The trophy - a plant with a watering can floating above it - was designed and built by trainees at TU Dortmund University. "It's a great motivation to stay on the ball when it comes to sustainability," says Prof. Scheidler. TU Dortmund University honored the theologian Prof. Dr. Claudia Gärtner at the award ceremony in the "KostBar" canteen at Fachhochschule Dortmund.

The Impact Cup is a recognition award. "It is intended to show: We see your commitment, which goes far beyond your normal work or regular coursework," says Sebastian Kreimer, Sustainability Manager at Fachhochschule Dortmund. The award also makes it clear that the universities are leading the way when it comes to sustainability, that they are providing impetus for social transformation and a scientific background. "That is our task," says Sebastian Kreimer. From now on, the Dortmund universities' Impact Cup will be awarded annually in different categories.

Sustainability week together with partners

Clothing exchange

The award ceremony on 14 June 2024 in the "KostBar" was also the official conclusion of the Sustainability Week, which the Fachhochschule Dortmund CSR Office organized this year together with the Sustainability Office of TU Dortmund University, the General Student Committees (AStA) of both Dortmund universities and Studierendenwerk Dortmund. There were almost 30 events around the Emil-Figge-Straße campus and in the city center. "Sustainability Week is a great opportunity to raise awareness of sustainable action and inspire people to make more environmentally friendly decisions in their everyday lives," says Dorothee Albrecht, Climate Protection Manager at Fachhochschule Dortmund.

The anchor point was "Soffi" - the University's Sustainability Office stood prominently on Martin-Schmeißer-Platz in front of the main cafeteria throughout the week and was a meeting point and place for exchange and discussion. Among other things, the clothes swap exchange, the cargo bike course and the discussion round on sustainability in university teaching took place there.

Scythe mowing course

"Together, we were able to significantly expand the Sustainability Week offerings this year," says Dorothee Albrecht. There was also great interest in the scythe mowing course, where participants were able to try out an almost forgotten method of mowing for themselves. The scythe is the ideal tool for maintaining small and medium-sized gardens and is also suitable for tall wildflower meadows. It is gentle on plants and animals. Fachhochschule Dortmund was represented by eight organizations at the Sustainability Market: Start-up Service, Library, Career Service, Family Service and others provided information about their sustainability offerings.

On behalf of the Rectorate, Prof. Tessa Flatten, Vice-Rector for International Affairs at TU Dortmund University, and Fachhochschule Dortmund University Chancellor Svenja Stepper thanked everyone involved in organizing the week of action. The cooperation with the TU and the Studierendenwerk will continue in the coming year.