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Lecture series on sustainability at Fachhochschule Dortmund


Sebastian Kreimer (left) organizes the lecture series "Sustainable Development" at Fachhochschule Dortmund together with the CSR Office. The 12 lectures and the panel discussion are open to all interested parties.

The lecture series "Sustainable Development" starts the summer semester. Every Wednesday from 4 p.m., lecturers from Fachhochschule Dortmund will discuss selected aspects of sustainability from an ecological, economic and social perspective. The offer is not only aimed at students, but is open to all interested parties.

To kick off the semester, on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, Sebastian Kreimer and Dorothee Albrecht from the UAS CSR Office will explain the basics of sustainability and climate protection - using the university as an example in particular. One week later, on April 17, 2024, the focus will be on sustainable mobility and on April 24, 2024, Prof. Dr. Sabrina Scheidler from the Faculty of Business Studies will explain what contribution companies can and must make.

A total of 13 dates are scheduled both at the Sonnenstraße campus in the city center and at Emil-Figge-Straße. All times and the corresponding room numbers can be found on the Fachhochschule Dortmund website - short link: www.fh.do/nachhaltig(Opens in a new tab) 

Prof. Dr. Tamara Appel

"The lecture series arose from the Studium Oecologicum student initiative and underlines the importance of sustainability issues for our students," says UAS Rector Prof. Dr. Tamara Appel. In the lectures, challenges and ideas for solutions are discussed across disciplines. They are part of the curriculum for UAS students. "We have also opened up the lecture series to everyone," emphasizes the Rector. "We want to discuss the challenges of the climate crisis and the concepts of sustainability not only in theoretical discourse, but also with people on the ground." This direct exchange with citizens, practitioners and cooperation partners is also what "applied" stands for in the UAS name suffix "University of Applied Sciences".

A panel discussion on sustainability in university teaching will take place during the lecture series (June 12, 2024) on the occasion of the joint Sustainability Week of Fachhochschule Dortmund and TU Dortmund University, which will take place in June 2024 in cooperation with the student committees of the universities and the Studierendenwerk. Is it enough to make the subject knowledge taught sustainable or should normative orientation play a role in teaching? Is it perhaps even student employability? TU and UAS experts from various disciplines will discuss this with the audience.