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Self-study academy makes researchers fit for cyber security


The world is becoming more digital - this offers great opportunities, but also creates high levels of stress. Increasing digitalization also leads to anxiety and excessive demands among students and researchers. Increasing demands in dealing with different platforms, applications and services as well as the lack of time, learning options and background knowledge can cause serious security problems at universities.

The "Self-learning academy for cyber and information security, SecAware.NRW" project aims to remedy this situation. The Institute for Internet Security - if(is) at Westfälische Hochschule and the Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL) at Fachhochschule Dortmund have won the project in a tender issued by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. The aim is to create an online learning offer for universities in NRW that raises users' awareness and builds or strengthens the relevant IT skills in the context of cyberattacks.

Content for Moodle and ILIAS

The content is implemented on the Moodle and ILIAS learning platforms and covers the entire field of cyber and information security. "Our goal is to provide students and researchers with the necessary knowledge and security awareness so that universities in NRW can shape a secure and trustworthy digital future," emphasizes Prof. Dr. Norbert Pohlmann, Head of if(is).

"A particular challenge lies in the intuitive design of the platform, as the self-learning offers should be usable without training," adds Prof. Dr. Andrea Kienle, member of IDiAL.

The launch date of SecAware.NRW is still planned for 2021; the project will run for two years.

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