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Prof. Dr. Maik Wunder

Fast facts

Office hours

Tuesday 16.00 - 17.30 (please register in advance by e-mail)

About the person

Academic and professional values

2024 Appointment to the Professorship of Digitalization and Social Responsibility Fachhochschule Dortmund

2021 - 2024 Professor of Digitalization and Mediatization in the Field of Social Work Catholic University of Applied Sciences NRW/Department Aachen

2015 - 2021 Research assistant at the FernUniversität in Hagen - Department of Education and Difference (Prof. Dr. Katharina Walgenbach)

2012 - 2015 Research assistant at the University of Hagen - Intercultural Educational Science/Internationalization of Educational Processes (Prof. Dr. Rainer Jansen)

Leading positions in open child and youth work, open all-day schools and adult education


2023 Habilitation - University of Hagen Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences. Venia Legendi: educational science. Topic of the habilitation thesis: Neo-materialist perspectivization of materialist pedagogy

2018 Doctorate (Dr. phil.) with a discourse-analytical thesis on digital educational media - University of Augsburg Chair of Education Prof. Dr. Eva Matthes

2007 - 2014 Studied educational science, European history and literature - University of Hagen

Vocational training as an interior decorator and state-approved educator

Membership of committees

German Society for Educational Science (DGfE) Section Media Education and General Educational Science - Commission on Philosophy of Education and Educational Philosophy/Pedagogical Anthropology

German Sociological Association (DGS) Section Sociology of Science and Technology and Media Sociology

International Society for Textbook and Educational Media Research (IGSBi)

Associate member of the research focus digital_culture FernUniversität in Hagen

Member of Kollektiv_Diffraktiv

Reviewer activity: Medienpädagogik Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung / Soziale Arbeit - Zeitschrift für soziale und sozialverwandte Gebiete / Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Socienty / merzWissenschaft


Theoretical work:

Digital Materiality
New materialism
Sociology of technology/philosophy of technology
Theory of education
Entanglement of materiality, digitalization and education

Empirical work

Transformation of pedagogical orders through the digital
Educational media research


Monographs & edited volumes

Bettinger, Patrick; Farrenberg, Domink; Wunder, Maik (eds.): Posthumanism - Pedagogical Connections and Critical Potential. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Wunder, Maik; Giercke-Ungermann, Annett (eds.) (to be published spring 2025): Digiatalization of higher education for social work. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Farrenberg, Dominik; Hahmann, Julia; Hunner-Kreisel, Christine; Schierz, Sascha; Wunder, Maik (in prep.): Sinn, Bedeutung und Verstehen: Introduction to social, epistemological and scientific theoretical perspectives for pedagogy and social work. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.

Leineweber, Christian; Waldmann, Maximilian; Wunder, Maik (eds.) (2023): Materiality - Digitalization - Education. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt.

Wunder, Maik (ed.) (2021): Digitalization and social work. Transformations - Inertia - Challenges. Bad Heilbrunn: Julis Klinkhardt.

Wunder, Maik (2018): Discursive Practice of Legitimization and Delegitimization of Digital Educational Media - A Discourse Analysis. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt.

Articles in journals

Wunder, Maik (in preparation): Opportunities and risks of digitalization for society. In: White Cross.

Baum, Markus; Rennstich, Joachim; Wunder, Maik (ed.): The changing world system in digital capitalism and the future of education. In: DiMe- Soizial.

Wunder, Maik; Berg Mathias (2024): The movie Morin. The future of learning is already here. In: Family dynamics. Systemic Practice and Research (4), pp. 328-330. DOI 10.21706/fd-49-4-328

Wunder, Maik (2024.): Hyperobject digiitalization - implications for the social economy. In: Blättern der Wohlfahrtspflege Deutsche Zeitschrift für Soziale Arbeit (2), pp. 46-48. doi.org/10.5771/0340-8574-2024-2-46

Leineweber, Christian; Wunder, Maik (2021): On the optimizing spirit of digital education - remarks on adaptive learning systems as socio-technical structures. In: Medienpädagogik Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung 42, pp. 22-46. doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/42/2021.03.08.X

Waldmann, Maximilian; Wunder, Maik (2021): Es empfiehlt sich 'von selbst' - Bildungssoziologische Überlegungen zur Transformation von Autonomieverhältnissen durch Recommender-Systeme in der Hochschullehre. In: Leineweber, Christian; De Witt Claudia (eds.): Algorithmization and Autonomy in Discourse 1/2020. Hagen, pp. 86-101. doi: 10.18445/20210420-111019-0

Wunder, Maik (2021): Smart digital technology - an educational-theoretical reflection on its material and symbolic operations. In: Leineweber, Christian, de Witt, Claudia (eds.): Digital Transformation in Discourse. Critical perspectives on developments and tendencies in the age of the digital. Hagen, pp. 1-17. doi.org/10.18445/20210127-102854-0

Wunder, Maik (2020): Discourses and materiality as epistemic sites for the acquisition of orientation knowledge in media education in a digital world. In: Media Education Journal for Theory and Practice of Media Education 39, pp. 48-69. doi.org/10.21240/mpaed/39/2020.12.04.X

Wunder, Maik (2020): The right of things to have a say - material turn and digital education. In: Zeitschrift Bildung und Erziehung (BuE) 73 (1), pp. 76-90. doi.org/10.13109/buer.2020.73.1.76

Wunder, Maik (2018): Symmetrical anthropology as a reflexive key category for the implementation of digital education. In: Journal for International Educational Research and Development Education (ZEP) 41 (3), pp. 31-35. doi.org/10.31244/zep.2018.03.08

Wunder, Maik (2015): Memory culture of early Greek history in German school history textbooks for secondary schools in the Prussia/Berlin-Brandenburg region from the German Empire to the present. In: Eckert.Beiträge 2015/2. http://repository.gei.de/handle/11428/188

Wunder, Maik (2015): Research perspectives on a transforming educational media market in the context of media convergence with specific consideration of traditional textbook publishers. In: de Witt, Claudia; Leineweber, Christian; Gloerfeld, Christina; Grüner Claudia (eds.): Digitalization and Media Convergence, pp. 48-76. doi.org/10.18445/20160210-124424-0

Contributions to edited volumes

Wunder, Maik (ed.): From realhumanist education to its posthumanist version? A diffractive reading of the positions of Hans-Jochen Gamm and Rosi Braidotti. In: Bettinger, Patrck; Farrenberg, Dominik; Wunder, Maik (eds.): Posthumanism - Pedagogical connections and critical potential. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Wunder, Maik; Beranek, Angelika (in prep.): Digitalization and sustainability in the study of social work/social pedagogy. In: Maurer, Jan-René; Schluchter (eds.): Björn Digitality and sustainability in education. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Wunder, Maik; Giercke-Ungermann, Annett (ed.): Introduction to the volume. In: This (ed.): Digitalization of higher education for social work. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.

Wunder, Maik (ed.) Revitalization of polytechnic education through virtual reality and/or expansion of materialist educational theory? In: Wunder, Maik; Giercke-Ungermann, Annett (eds.): Digiatalization of higher education for social work. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhard.

Wunder, Maik (in prep.) Der pädagogisch akzentuierte Digitalisierungsdiskurs zwischen Euphorie und Skepsis als Subjektivierungsfeld für Lernende. In Höhne, Thomas (ed.): The field of (socio) economic education: Actors, Discourses, Materials. Weinheim: Beltz-Juventa.

Wunder, Maik (ed.) Digitalization. In: Spetsmann-Kunkel, Martin (ed.) Sociological foundations for social work. An introduction based on selected social challenges. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Wunder, Maik (ed.): Digitalization and counseling. In: Berg, Matthias; Sawatzki, Maik (eds.): Handbuch Familienberatung. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Wunder, Maik (2024): Digitalization and spirituality: hinge of power or gate-less barrier? A power-critical examination of meditation apps. In: Krockauer, Rainer; Junhbauer, Johannes (eds.): Spritualität und Selbstsorge. Impulses for social and health professions. Leverkusen Opladen: Budrich, pp. 88-108.

Wunder, Maik (2024.): Heinrich Schliemann - a German national hero? Representation and functionalization in German school history textbooks from the 19th century to the present. In: Matthes, Eva; Ott, Christine; Schütze, Sylvia; Wrobel, Dieter (eds.): Continuity and change of knowledge in educational media. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt, pp. 169-178.

Wunder, Maik together with Leineweber, Christian; Waldmann, Maximilian (2023): Materiality-digitalization-education: Neomaterialist perspectives. In: This: Materiality-digitalization-education. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt, pp. 210-256. DOI: 10.25656/01:26363

Wunder, Maik together with Leineweber, Christian; Waldmann, Maximilian (2023): Materiality-Digitalization-Education. Introduction to the anthology. In: This: Materiality-Digitalization-Education. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt, pp. 7-10.

Wunder, Maik (2021): Introduction to the volume. In: Wunder, Maik (ed.): Digitalization and Social Work. Transformations - Inertia - Challenges. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt, pp. 9-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.25656/01:23157

Wunder, Maik (2021): Streiflichter durch Theorien zur Digitalisierung. Digitalization as a social, societal and cultural theory and its possible relevance for social work. In: Wunder, Maik (ed.): Digitalization and social work. Transformations - Inertia - Challenges. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt, pp. 31-49. http://dx.doi.org/10.25656/01:23159

Wunder, Maik (2020): Re-configuring the world through migration maps - discursive-material aspects of a phenomenon. In: Matthes, Eva; Schütze, Sylvia (eds.): Migration and educational media. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Kinkhardt, pp. 290-303.

Wunder, Maik; together with Jansen, Rainer (2017): School, textbook, racism - function and transformation of a means of orientation. In Broden, Anne; Hößl, Stefan E; Meier, Marcus (eds.): Antisemitism, racism and learning from history(ies). Weinheim/Basel: Beltz Juventa, pp. 194-203.

Wunder, Maik (2016): Heterogeneous ways of ('self') legitimization of digital educational media. In: Matthes, Eva; Schütze, Sylvia (eds.): Educational media on the test bench. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Kinkhardt, pp. 281-294.

Study material

Wunder, Maik together with Walgenbach, Katharina; Winnerling, Susanne; ter Jung, Martina; Marten, Eike; Baumann, Christoph; Compes, Natascha; Waldmann, Maximilian; (Eds.): Theories of Education, Difference and Inequality. University of Hagen. Course 03817

Wunder, Maik (2018): Niklas Luhmann: Introduction to systems theory. In: Walgenbach, Katharina; Winnerling, Susanne; ter Jung, Martina; Marten, Eike; Baumann, Christoph; Compes, Natascha; Waldmann, Maximilian; Wunder, Maik (eds.): Theories of Education, Difference and Inequality. University of Hagen. Course 03817, pp. 34-47.

Wunder, Maik (2018): On the genesis of actor-network theory (ANT). In: Walgenbach, Katharina; Winnerling, Susanne; ter Jung, Martina; Marten, Eike; Baumann, Christoph; Compes, Natascha; Waldmann, Maximilian; Wunder, Maik (eds.): Theories of Education, Difference and Inequality. University of Hagen. Course 03817, pp. 140-154.

Wunder, Maik together with Walgenbach, Katharina; Winnerling, Susanne; ter Jung, Martina; Marten, Eike; Compes, Natascha (2017): Education, difference and social inequalities. University of Hagen. Course 03812

Wunder, Maik (2017): Systems theory: Niklas Luhmann. In: Walgenbach, Katharina; Winnerling, Susanne; ter Jung, Martina; Marten, Eike; Compes, Natascha, Wunder, Maik (eds.): Bildung, Differenz und soziale Ungleichheiten. University of Hagen. Course 03812, pp. 144-158.

Wunder, Maik (2017): Class, status. In: Walgenbach, Katharina; Winnerling, Susanne; ter Jung, Martina; Marten, Eike; Compes, Natascha, Wunder, Maik (eds.): Bildung, Differenz und soziale Ungleichheiten. University of Hagen. Course 03812, pp. 21-33.

Wunder, Maik (2016): Culture as a category of difference. Reader introduced and compiled by Maik Wunder. Open University of Hagen. Courses 03800/03816

Wunder, Maik (2016): Introduction to critical migration research. Reader introduced and compiled by Maik Wunder. Open University of Hagen. Courses 03800/03816


Reuse, Benedikt (2024): Educational science is so colorful. Report on the Day of Research/Inaugural Lecture FernUni Hagen. Link(Opens in a new tab) 

Irrgang, Bernhard (2023): Review of the volume: Wunder, Maik (2021): Digitalization and social work. Bad Beilbrunn: Julias Klinkhardt. In: social net

Reuse, Benedikt (2023): We are not facing the world. (Report on the award of the Venia Legendi/Habilitation). Link(Opens in a new tab) 

Reuse, Benedikt (2021): New Learning in a Material World. Conference report: Materiality-Digitalization-Education. Link(Opens in a new tab) 

Reuse, Benedikt (2020): Thinking about social framework conditions. Conference report: Digitalization and social work - transformations, persistence, challenges. Link(Opens in a new tab) 

Höhne, Thomas (2020): Review of Wunder, Maik (2018): Discursive practice of legitimizing and delegitimizing digital educational media. In: Journal Bildung und Erziehung (BuE) 73 (2), pp. 198-200.

Wunder, Maik (2019): Economics instead of pedagogy. Researcher criticizes debate on school digitalization. In: Westfalenpost from 16.4.2019, No. 90. (Interview) Link(Opens in a new tab) 

Wunder, Maik (2019): Neoliberal ideas in the digital classroom? In: FernUni perspective. Issue 67 Spring 2019, p. 5. (Research report) Link(Opens in a new tab) 

Wunder, Maik (2015): Identity. A scientific approach. In: Pflugschar-Magazin - sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. 03/2015, p. 9.

Wunder, Maik (2013): New Media in Empire: What role can the Internet in general and Facebook in particular play in Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's revolutionary design? Munich.


2025/05 AI and Society. together with Prof. Dr. Michael Kühler. VHS Unna.

2024/07 Revitalization of polytechnical education through virtual reality and/or expansion of materialistic educational theory? Inaugural lecture on the Day of Research at the University of Hagen.

2024/03 Professorial change?! Digitalization and Higher Education - Curricular Perspectives for the Study of Social Work. Workshop on co-responsibility and co-organization. Cologne.

2024/02 Posthumanism - pedagogical connections and critical potential. Authors' workshop on the publication of the same name. Co-responsibility and co-organization. Aachen.

2023/11 Digitalization - educational media - subjectivation. Lecture Workshop on the DFG project: Educational Media 4.0 - Economic Education in the Context of Digitalization and New Educational Markets, Helmudt Schmidt University Hamburg

2023/11 Digitalization in child and youth welfare (together with Karen Henshen) Workshop: Barcamp: Digitization of the social and health care system. City/City Region Aachen

2023/10 Chat GPT and/or the return to sophistical education? Lecture Annual Conference IGSBi Educational Media for Adults University of Gdansk (Poland)

2023/04 Digitization in counseling - glimpses into possible futures. Lecture at the Conference on Counseling Research of the EFL Counseling Centers Diocese of Freiburg

2022/11 Potentials and risks of digital dating apps in youth welfare in the context of working with LGBTQ+ young people. Center for Social Work Burtscheid (Workshop)

2022/10 Heinrich Schliemann - a German national hero? Representation and Functionalization in School History Books from 1871 to the Present. Lecture at the annual conference IGSBi Continuity and change of knowledge in educational media. Würzburg

2022/06 Digital support for the assessment of child endangerment - potentials and pitfalls. Workshop Summer School Katho NRW
2022/04 Hyperobject digitization: Opening lecture symposium digitization of youth welfare. Katho NRW

2021/02 Materiality - Digitalization - Education. Conference co-responsibility and co-organization. Distance learning university in Hagen

2020/10 Digitalization and Social Work - Transformations, Persistence and Challenges. Conference responsibility and organization. Open University in Hagen

2020/05 Materialization, quasi-objects ¬, border-crossing apparatuses - three perspectives on the material constitution of educational media. Workshop Georg Eckert Institute - Leibniz Institute for International Textbook Research (Corona-related absence)

(Re-)configuring the world through migration maps in history books in the Nazi state. Lecture at the annual conference IGSBi Migration and Educational Media. Chur (Switzerland)
2019/03 Discourses and materiality as epistemic sites for the acquisition of orientation knowledge in media education. Presentation DGfE Spring Conference Section Media Education Paderborn

2019/01 Paidagógs digitalis on the test bench. Public guest lecture University of Hamburg

2018/12 Experience society, experience rationality, experience market and "the" experiential education - On the architecture of a figuration. As part of the further training for experiential educators at the Institute for Experiential Education Kassel

2018/06 Workshop: QDA Software as a Phenomenotechnique in the Digital Humanities - As part of the event: Biography and History. Introduction to the research field and methods of the Digital Humanities. Institute for History and Biography FernUniversität Hagen

2017/05 Discursive and non-discursive legitimation patterns of the digital - hybrid domination or pedagogical primacy? Public guest lecture University of Hamburg Research Workshop School and Capital: On the pedagogical problems of online teaching materials- Prof. Dr. Ingrid Lohmann/Prof. Dr. Andrea Liesner

2016/09 The antagonism between Orient and Occident as an integral part of the culture of remembrance of the early days of Europe in German school history textbooks from 1881 to the present. 11th Forum of Young Educational Historians. Conference of the DGfE's Section for Historical Educational Research. Berlin

2016/05 The 'Other': Discourses on difference in figuration with group-focused misanthropy. As part of the lecture series: "Wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungsreihe zur Flüchtlingskrise" FernUni Hagen

2015/10 The mBook NRW as a self-legitimizing actor? - Discussion from an ANT perspective. Annual conference of the IGSBI Bildungsmedien auf dem Prüfstand: Authorization, prohibition, legitimization and delegitimization. Ichenhausen

2015/05 School-textbook-racism. Together with Dr. Rainer Jansen. Conference of the Cologne Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation: Anti-Semitism, Racism and Learning from History(ies). Cologne

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