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Sven Kathöfer, M.A.

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Kathöfer, S. (together with Graetz, A., Kock, K.): Temporarily not retired - Motives and backgrounds of gainful employment beyond the age limit. SfS contributions from research. Dortmund.

Kathöfer, S. (together with Holtbrink, L., Kastirke, N., Kotthaus, J.): Kevin is not a diagnosis. Kevin is a prejudice! Results of a quantitative study on the distribution of first names in cases of outpatient and inpatient educational support. In: Sozialmagazin, 35th vol. 11, pp. 28-39.


Kathöfer, S. (together with Kowol, U., Kotthaus, J., Siebert, M.): (Internet-based) access options for third-party reporters in cases of possible child endangerment - An analysis of youth welfare office websites in North Rhine-Westphalia. In: Zeitschrift für Sozialpädagogik ZfSp 9. Jg. 2011, H.2, S. 143-165 [reviewed].

Kathöfer, S. (together with Kowol, U., Kotthaus, J., Siebert, M.): Jugendamt goes Internet - Über den Nutzen internet-basierender Kommunikationsformen für Jugendämter. In: Theory and Practice of Social Work, 62nd Vol., H.1, pp. 4-10.


Kathöfer, S. (together with Kowol, U., Kotthaus, J.): Do good and talk about it! Backgrounds and approaches to reference group-oriented public relations work in the context of external reporters at the General Social Service of Youth Welfare Offices. In: Sozialmagazin, 37th Vol., No. 6, 2012, pp. 10-16

Kathöfer, S. (together with Kowol, U., Kotthaus, J.): How do youth welfare offices assess their communicative appearance? A study in the context of "external reporters of child endangerment". In: Sozialmagazin, 37th Vol., No. 6, 2012, pp. 17-25.


Kathöfer, S./Kotthaus, J. (eds.): "Block X" - Among Ultras. Results of a study on the Ultra world in West Germany. Weinheim, Beltz.

Kathöfer, S. (together with Kotthaus, J.): "Which single mother can cope?" A reality of female poverty from the perspective of one of those affected. In: Sozialmagazin, 38th Vol., H. 3/4 "Armutsberichterstattung - Umgang mit Armut", 2013, pp. 47-50.

Kathöfer, S. (together with Kotthaus, J., Priluzki, J.): Training camp. On the genesis of this study. In: Kathöfer, S./Kotthaus, J. (eds.): "Block X" - Among Ultras. Results of a study on the Ultra world in West Germany. Weinheim, Beltz, 2013, pp. 7-22.

Kathöfer, S. (together with Kotthaus, J., Willmann, M.): Warming up. A look at the history of soccer and its fans. In: Kathöfer, S./Kotthaus, J. (eds.): "Block X" - Among Ultras. Results of a study on the Ultra world in West Germany. Weinheim, Beltz, 2013, pp. 23-53.

Kathöfer, S. (together with Kotthaus, J.): Anstoß. Ultras in their own experience. On the genesis of this study. In: Kathöfer, S./Kotthaus, J. (eds.): "Block X" - Among Ultras. Results of a study on the Ultra world in West Germany. Weinheim, Beltz, 2013, pp. 54-85.

Kathöfer, S. (together with Göldner, R., Kotthaus, J.): Regelkunde. The lifeworld of Ultras. In: Kathöfer, S./Kotthaus, J. (eds.): "Block X" - Among Ultras. Results of a study on the Ultra lifeworld in West Germany. Weinheim, Beltz, 2013, pp. 86-123.

Kathöfer, S. (together with Kotthaus, J., Priluzki, J.): Yellow-Red Card. Conflicts in the lifeworld of Ultras. In: Kathöfer, S./Kotthaus, J. (eds.): "Block X" - Among Ultras. Results of a study on the Ultra lifeworld in West Germany. Weinheim, Beltz, 2013, pp. 124-169.

Kathöfer, S. (together with Göldner, R., Kotthaus, J.): Mannschaftsaufstellung. On the inner structure of a youth scene. In: Kathöfer, S./Kotthaus, J. (eds.): "Block X" - Among Ultras. Results of a study on the Ultra world in West Germany. Weinheim, Beltz, 2013, pp. 170-267.

Kathöfer, S. (together with Kotthaus, J.): Abpfiff. Central results and summarizing discussion. In: Kathöfer, S./Kotthaus, J. (2013): "Block X" - Among Ultras. Results of a study on the Ultra environment in West Germany. Weinheim, Beltz, 2013, pp. 268-273.


Kathöfer, S.: Ethnicity at university - key persons as an influencing factor for academic educational and professional careers in social science and technical faculties. Working Papers in Development Sociology and Social Anthropology, No. 375. Bielefeld University.

Kathöfer, S. (together with Dietrich, J., Göldner, R., Kotthaus, J., Schnitzler, R.): Virtual dying. (Not) an issue for gamers?! In: Social Magazine, 39th Vol. 5/6 "Dying", p. 58 -63.


Kathöfer, S. (together with Kotthaus, J.): Forms of social work with young people from different social backgrounds and life situations using the example of fan scenes. Expertise on the fifth NRW Children and Youth Report. Düsseldorf.

Kathöfer, S. (2017): Ethnicity and academic university careers. In: Pfaff-Czarnecka, J. (ed.): The social life of the university. Bielefeld: Transcript. S. 183-214.

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