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Entwicklung eines Studien-Assistenzsystems für die Erhebung patientenbezogener Daten zur fachärztlichen Unterstützung im Kontext dermatologisch klinischer Studien

Fast facts

About the project

The aim of this project is to develop a digital study assistance system that supports dermatology specialists in collecting patient-related data as part of clinical studies. The digital study assistance system should

  • should have a software interface for specific skin probes so that measurement data can be received directly by the software system after the measurement. This enables direct data communication between the respective skin probe and the software system without using intermediary media (e.g. USB stick),
  • have a graphical user interface tailored to the medical staff, so that the specialist staff can enter the patient-related data to be collected into the system in an efficient and user-friendly manner. This simplified data collection should reduce the documentation workload for medical staff,
  • take into account the regulatory requirements relating to data protection and data ethics, including compliance with sector-specific hospital data protection laws.

Fachhochschule Dortmund

Cooperation/project partners

  • Courage + Khazaka GmbH
  • Alamouti Aesthetic & Skin
Courage + Khazaka GmbH

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