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Internet of Light

Verbundprojekt: Internet of Light – Semantische Interoperabilität von Beleuchtungssystemen, Analyse und Auswertung anhand von realen Daten zur Folgerung von Use Cases in unterschiedlichen realen Standorten

Fast facts

  • Organizational unit

  • Contact person

  • Category

    • Federal project
  • Funding source

    Federal Ministry of Business Studies and Climate Protection/Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen/Forschungsvereinigung Stahlanwendung e. V. (FOSTA),Fachhochschule Dortmund

  • Funding program

    BMWK funding of the IGF, own contribution FH

  • Duration

About the project

Semantic interoperability of lighting systems, analysis and evaluation using real data to infer use cases in different real locations (Internet of Light, IoL)

Data collection and storage form the basis for tapping into previously untapped innovation potential for lighting systems with new use cases. However, the luminaires and lighting systems, including the associated sensors, must be able to collect data, transfer it to a cloud using standardized semantics and store it. In this project, the data from test systems installed across 14 locations is brought together in a common IoL cloud. The aim of this project is to semantically describe the sensor and luminaire data generated in the test facilities while simultaneously testing the architecture for data storage and data transfer. Based on this, the centrally stored data will be analyzed and evaluated and data-driven, lighting technology use cases will be investigated and processed.

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