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Lebenssituationen älterer Menschen in Hagens Stadtteilen Helfe und Dahl

Lebenssituationen älterer Menschen in Hagens Stadtteilen Helfe und Dahl im Auftrag der Stadt Hagen

Fast facts

About the project

Senior citizens unpack: This is their life

When people are 75 or older - what is important to them? The city of Hagen wants to find out with a study. Together with FH students, Prof. Dr. Michael Boecker has evaluated part of the study. Something about it, he says, is "absolutely unusual".

And that is the response rate: almost 40 percent of all those contacted answered the questionnaires and sent them back. And they were extremely thorough, with many extending their answers to the back of the questionnaire. Their answers provide an insight into life in old age.

"This shows how important it is to senior citizens that their immediate living conditions improve," explains Prof. Boecker. After all, the "Living conditions of older people in Hagen's neighborhoods", as the title of the study reads, are clearly in urgent need of improvement. Only people aged 75 and over were surveyed: What are your thoughts on life in your district? What is good, what is not?

Prof. Boecker evaluated the responses from the two Hagen districts of Helfe and Dahl with students from the Faculty of Applied Social Studies at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences.

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Contact person and management

Portrait von Prof. Dr. Michael Boecker __ Portrait of Prof. Dr. Michael Boecker
Prof. Michael Boecker, Dr.
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Appointments can be arranged at short notice by e-mail

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