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A Retrospective Analysis of the Role of Soft Factors in Digitalization Projects: Based on a Case Study in a Public Health Organization in Trondheim-Norway

Schnelle Fakten

  • Interne Autorenschaft

  • Weitere Publizierende

    Bertha Ngereja, Bassam Hussein, Kristin Helene Jørgensen Hafseld

  • Veröffentlichung

    • 2020
  • Sammelband

    A Retrospective Analysis of the Role of Soft Factors in Digitalization Projects: Based on a Case Study in a Public Health Organization in Trondheim-Norway (2020 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (E-TEMS) )

  • Organisationseinheit

  • Fachgebiete

    • Informatik allgemein
  • Format



B. Ngereja, B. Hussein, K. H. Jørgensen Hafseld, and C. Wolff, “A Retrospective Analysis of the Role of Soft Factors in Digitalization Projects: Based on a Case Study in a Public Health Organization in Trondheim-Norway,” 2020 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (E-TEMS). IEEE, New York, NY, pp. 1–7, 2020.

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