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The social-philosophical salon


Winter salon on the topic of correct language

All students, teaching staff and interested parties are cordially invited to this year's Winter Salon of the Faculty of Applied Social Studies on Wednesday, 29.11.2023, 14.45-15.45 in room 335 (Emil-Figge-Str. 44).

The social-philosophical salon brings together all disciplines of the social sciences, including philosophy, for joint exchange and discussion. It takes place every semester.

A question of morality - Why we need politically correct language

Prof. Dr. Anatol Stefanowitsch is a linguist who teaches and researches grammatical constructions and conceptual metaphors at the FU Berlin. His book Eine Frage der Moral (2018), excerpts of which we will read and discuss together, deals with questions of freedom of expression and the humanistic conception of man, which are central to social work. Prof. Dr. Anatol Stefanowitsch will join the Winter Salon digitally.

The slim book has also been uploaded to Ilias in the course "Der sozialphilosophische Salon" and is accessible to all.

The concept of political correctness has a pretty bad image. But for Stefanowitsch, it basically boils down to the golden rule of ethical behavior: "Don't portray others linguistically in a way that you wouldn't want to be portrayed in their place."

This is about how people interact in an increasingly heterogeneous society. We will look at different perspectives and also talk about speaking.

We look forward to your participation and to the conversation about just language!



Emil-Figge-Strasse 44

R. 335

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