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impEct 5 (2011) will appear later than planned. I hope that the journal can once again be published on an annual basis.

The cover is adorned with the logo of CLADEA, the Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administración. Thanks to the flourishing German-Spanish branch of our International Business study program, we have now been accepted as a member. CLADEA is the reference in the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking world for business education. We are delighted.

The "Europe" section dates back to 2010: the two essays published here were written on the occasion of a conference organized by Peter Reusch, head of the European Master in Project Management study program at the Faculty of Business Studies.

DFH Days in May 2011


The study of intercultural experiences continues to be a constant in impEct:

Mariella Olivos Rossini, University ESAN Lima, presents the research design of her doctoral thesis (Tilburg University).

This is followed by four contributions by the editor. The last contribution is an experiment: for the first time, an attempt is made here to make the approach of the New Phenomenology understandable to students of the International Business study program without any special philosophical training.
It is to be hoped that the summer school "Evaluation of Intercultural Experiences" planned in this context (together with the Council of Europe and the University of Haute Alsace) will find the approval of the Franco-German University.

Work by graduates

The following are insights into particularly interesting and good work by our graduates.

The thesis by Luis M. Reyes González and Uriel Magaña Olmos, University of Guanajuato, DCEA, which is printed in full, deserves special mention. After completing their studies in Dortmund, both students were able to present a practical analysis for automotive suppliers in the state of Guanajuato, thanks in particular to the supply chain management course.

The book concludes with a presentation by the editor documenting a lecture given to DCEA students during a visit to the University of Guanajuato (October 2011).

Dortmund, December 2011

Werner Müller-Pelzer

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