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The library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund

Library of the Fachhochschule Dortmund



Reports, facts & figures

Annual reports of the library

Use of quality improvement funds (QVM)

According to the law on improving the quality of teaching and studies at North Rhine-Westphalian universities (Study Quality Act), the quality improvement funds (until 2011: tuition fee funds) are to be used for the specific purpose of improving teaching and study conditions. Here we provide information on how the funds allocated to the library have been used in recent years.

Note: From the 2021 financial year, the quality improvement funds will no longer be shown as a separate source of funds in the library's allocations.

History of the library

The history of Fachhochschule Dortmund dates back to the 19th century. Since the beginning of teaching at the predecessor institutions, books have been used to impart knowledge. Initially, however, these books were only available to lecturers. Students were dependent on their lecture notes or had to obtain specialist literature themselves. The path from the small book collection to today's library with online research, e-books and book scanners was long and characterized by numerous relocations. Books and library staff followed the relocation of the respective institutions and faculties.