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Conference of Social Responsibility

Fachhochschule Dortmund supports social clubs in Dortmund


Sebastian Kreimer, Sustainability Manager at Fachhochschule Dortmund, gave an overview of the university's work on sustainability at the second "Conference of Social Responsibility" at the DEPOT cultural venue.

How can social commitment be further strengthened? The second "Conference of Social Responsibility" at Fachhochschule Dortmund clearly showed that, in addition to financial resources, helping hands are still needed. One building block for bringing volunteers into contact with (aid) organizations is the "Dein Engagement" platform at Fachhochschule Dortmund.

The digital platform offers people who want to get involved an initial overview of organizations and companies that take on responsibility in society. It lists more than 20 associations and companies that are active in Dortmund and the region. The profiles explain how interested parties can get involved and what is expected of volunteers. "The offer was a request at the first Conference of Social Responsibility last year," says Sebastian Kreimer, Sustainability Manager at Fachhochschule Dortmund. The platform can be accessed via the UAS website: www.fh.do/deinengagement.(Opens in a new tab)  There is also a printed version.

"Especially in turbulent times, we need people who want to change their environment for the better in the long term," says Sebastian Kreimer. "In addition to teaching and research, we also see our role as Fachhochschule Dortmund as a direct partner in this urban society."

At the second "Conference of Social Responsibility", Svenja Stepper, Chancellor of Fachhochschule Dortmund, welcomed the representatives of Dortmund's aid organizations.

This partnership was also evident at the second Conference of Social Responsibility on June 26, 2024 at the DEPOT cultural venue. Numerous associations and organizations from Fachhochschule Dortmund came together at the invitation of the university. "They are as diverse and colorful as this city. At the same time, you often face similar challenges," said Svenja Stepper, Chancellor of Fachhochschule Dortmund, welcoming the guests. "Let's talk about your needs and look for solutions together." Local participants included the "Grenzenlose Wärme" association founded by UAS students ,  the "Gesamtkunstwerk" music project for people with disabilities and the "Schülerpaten " and "Start with a friend" sponsorship projects.

Among other things, the network meeting revealed the need for additional space for some associations - as a meeting place, but also for project work. One point that Svenja Stepper was happy to address: "We are an open university of applied sciences and now have ten locations." As not all rooms are occupied 24/7 by teaching and research, there are interesting opportunities for cooperation. The presence of (aid) organizations on campus allows them to present their work and generate attention for their concerns. "Our students would also have the opportunity to gain insights into practical work in the social sector and develop both professionally and personally," says the Chancellor.

The "Conference of Social Responsibility" is organized by the Sustainability Office (CSR Office) of Fac,  the "Gesamtkunstwerk " music project for people with disabilities and the "Schülerpaten  " and "Start with a friend"  sponsorship projects.

Among other things, the network meeting revealed the need for additional space for some associations - as a meeting place, but also for project work. One point that Svenja Stepper was happy to address: "We are an open university of applied sciences and now have ten locations." As not all rooms are occupied 24/7 by teaching and research, there are interesting opportunities for cooperation. The presence of (aid) organizations on campus allows them to present their work and generate attention for their concerns. "Our students would also have the opportunity to gain insights into practical work in the social sector and develop both professionally and personally," says the Chancellor.

The "Conference of Social Responsibility" is organized by the Sustainability Office (CSR Office) of Fachhochschule Dortmund. The Dortmund Volunteer Agency and the city's business development agency are partners of the conference.

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