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Latin American students attend the RMS Summer School


The InduTwin scholarship holders visited the Emil-Figge-Straße location.

For two weeks, 45 national and international students from 15 countries attended the RMS Summer School 2022, which was organized by the Ruhr Master School (RMS) together with the InduTwin project and the Hochschulallianz Ruhr (HAR) from 15 to 26 August 2022. Six of them also got to know Fachhochschule Dortmund as InduTwin scholarship holders.

"Regional Sustainability: Smart Mobility" was the title of the RMS Summer School, which was hosted this year at the Westfälische Hochschule in Gelsenkirchen. During the first week, the international students took part in a German course and went on excursions to the region in and around Gelsenkirchen, Bochum and Dortmund. Several sports and networking events were also on the program.
The second week included lectures by lecturers and company partners on the topic of smart mobility as well as workshops, group work and excursions and intercultural training.

The guests worked on the future topic of smart mobility as part of a project assignment in international and interdisciplinary groups and took away numerous suggestions that will not only be helpful for their further studies. "I am convinced that I will be able to apply some of the findings at home," said Leonardo Moran from the Universidad Tecnológica de Tecámac in Mexico, for example.

"Works excellently"

The InduTwin teaching project took part in the RMS Summer School with the workshop "Simulation of Autonomous Vehicles with CARLA and Python" by Prof. Dr. Stephan Weyers (Fachhochschule Dortmund, Faculty of Business Studies) and Basile Tousside (Bochum University of Applied Sciences and Arts). "The cross-university collaboration worked particularly well and was an enrichment for everyone involved," summarizes Prof. Weyers. "As InduTwin, we benefited enormously from the experience and support of the RMS and HAR."

Six of the guests are studying at partner universities of Fachhochschule Dortmund's InduTwin teaching project in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. They spent a day visiting Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts to find out about exchange opportunities in the Faculties of Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering and Business Studies. In the mechanical engineering laboratories, they were able to experience the practical training offered by Fachhochschule Dortmund at first hand.

InduTwin's support for the students includes scholarships. InduTwin believes it is important that applicants are not only interested in their own education, but also in exchanging ideas with other cultures. They all see themselves as part of a global whole.

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