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Prof. Dr. Pamela Scorzin

Fast facts

About the person

Professor of Art History and Visual Culture

born in Vicenza (Italy), Magister Artium and Dr. phil. at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg, habilitation at the TU Darmstadt, teaches and researches in Dortmund, Milan and Los Angeles in the field of digital arts, currently on AI art, scenography and fashion.

Numerous international publications and lectures on art and culture from the 17th to the 21st century (including as an AICA member and regular author of KUNSTFORUM International)


Anthology contribution

Journal article

Scientific lecture

Selection of publications

Contributions on Jan Diercksz. Both, Conzales Coques, Anthonis van Dyck, Gerrit van Hanthorst, Jan Miense Molenaer, Jakob van Ochtervelt, Franz Pourbus the Younger and Peter Paul Rubens in: Stiftung Kunsthaus Heylshof. Critical catalog of the painting collection, edited under the direction of Wolfgang Schenkluhn (Worms: Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft 1992)

'Pictures of Photographs. Warhol's self-portraits in the context of portrait art after 1960 (Heidelberg: Dissertationsdruck 1994), 244 pages

"Das Wesen des Steins. Rückriem on the Lichtwiese" in: Versus 4. journal of the architecture department of the THD, 2/1996, pp. 4-5

"Cretto Gibellina. A free sculpture by Alberto Burri" in: Versus 5. journal of the architecture department of the THD, 3/1996, p. 32-33

"TRILUX. Freiplastik by Heinz Mack on the Lichtwiese" in: Versus 6. magazine at the THD Department of Architecture, 4/1997, p. 5

"ʼWarhol after Leonardoʼ. The American Pop Art artist in the role of recipient and reproducer of art history" in: ACHADEMIA LEONARDI VINCI. Journal of Leonardo Studies & Bibliography of Vinciana, Vol. X, 1997, ed. by Carlo Pedretti (Los Angeles/ Florence: Giunti 1997), pp. 183-189

"Die 'Kunst am Bau' in den fünfziger Jahren - am Beispiel der Darmstädter Meisterbauten" in: Michael Bender/ Roland May (eds.): Architektur der fünfziger Jahre - Die Darmstädter Meisterbauten (Stuttgart 1998), pp. 214-219

"Job as a figure of identification. On the image of man in the figurative sculpture of the fifties" in: KUNST UND KIRCHE, vol. 61, 1998, no. 4, 212-215

"'In the sign of water'. On the sculptural program of the Darmstadt Mathildenhöhe" in: Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt. 100 Jahre Planen und Bauen für die Stadtkrone 1899-1999. Volume 1: Die Mathildenhöhe - ein Jahrhundertwerk, published by the City of Darmstadt, represented by the Cultural Administration and the Building and Engineering Office (Darmstadt 1999), pp. 140-153

"Gordon Matta-Clark. Destruction as an artistic means of construction and instruction" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon Der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 48, No. 29, 4th quarter 1999 (18 pages)

"Bill Viola. Welt-Sichten eines elektronischen Mystikers" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 49, No. 8, 1st quarter 2000 (18 pages)

"Dennis Oppenheim. Künstler vom anderen Stern" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 50, No. 16, 2nd quarter 2000 (18 pages)

"Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky (1897-2000). Architect and designer of the 'Frankfurt Kitchen'" in: Mathilde, issue 46, May/ June 2000, pp. 8-10

"Peter Weibel. Builder of model worlds" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 52, No. 32, 4th quarter 2000 (18 pages)

"Las Venice. 'Archi-tainment' for the fun society" in: Kurzschrift. For the friends of longhand. Texte zum Kulturellen Alltag, edited by Detlef Bluemler, issue 3, Munich 2000, pp. 59-65

(with Manuel Mischel): "Der beschleunigte Leonardo da Vinci. Ein Gespräch mit Peter Weibel" in: Sichten 2000. Jahresausstellung Fachbereich Architektur, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Cat. Darmstadt/ Hagen 2000, e05 (6 pages)

"Wilhelm Loth. Loth and his women" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 53, No. 5, 1st quarter 2001 (18 pages)

(with Ariel Auslender/ Matthias Walter) "Skulptur & Architektur. A discourse. Zu der Bildhauer-Werkstatt an der TH Darmstadt vom 25. Juni bis 16. Juli 1993" in: Almanach 93/97 des Fachbereichs Architektur der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, ed. by Fachbereich Architektur der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt: Verlag Das Beispiel 2001, pp. 169-171

"Grasping the essence of stone. On Ulrich Rückriem's sculpture on the THD-Lichtwiese" in: Almanach 93/97 des Fachbereichs Architektur der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, published by the Department of Architecture of the Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt: Verlag Das Beispiel 2001, pp. 172-177

"On the old and new longing to immerse oneself in total illusory worlds. Review: Oliver Grau: Virtuelle Kunst in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Visuelle Strategien, Dietrich Reimer Verlag Berlin 2001 (Diss. Berlin 1999)" in: Kritische Berichte. Zeitschritt für Kunst und Kulturwissenschaften, 3/2001, pp. 87-88

"Review and overview: the 20th century. Review: Uwe M. Schneede: The history of art in the 20th century. From the Avant-Gardes to the Present, Munich: Verlag C. H. Beck 2001", in: Journal für Kunstgeschichte, vol. 6 (2002), pp. 50-52

"Mark Tansey. Painting in the state of its historical reflexivity" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 58, No. 13, 2nd quarter 2002 (18 pages)

Several contributions in: Skulpturengarten Lichtwiese der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, ed.: Technische Universität Darmstadt; concept and editing: Pamela C. Scorzin (catalog book Darmstadt 2002), 107 pages
[See also Almanach ARCHITEKTUR 1998-2002. Teaching and Research at the Technical University of Darmstadt, published by the Department of Architecture of the Technical University of Darmstadt, catalog book Tübingen 2003, pp. 396-401]

"'Warning: You are being watched by cameras!' Strategies of observation and surveillance in the mirror of video art", Kritische Berichte. Journal for Art and Cultural Studies, 2/2003, pp. 37-56

"Tobias Rehberger. Submission : possible" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 63, No. 21, 3rd quarter 2003 (18 pages)

"'...Not Really!'. osa_Office for subversive Architecture" in: ArchPlus. Zeitschrift für Architektur und Städtebau, No. 167, special issue: Off-Architecture 2 - Networks (October 2003), pp. 22-23

"Fritz Koenig. Arbeiten zwischen Eros und Thanatos" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 64, No. 25, 4th quarter 2003 (18 pages)

"The US flag hoist as engram and pictorial symbol - reflections on a patriotic icon in the media landscape" in: Zeitschrift Für Ästhetik und Angewandte Kunstwissenschaft. Special volume 2003: Art and Democracy. Positions at the beginning of the 21st century, ed. by Ursula Franke and Josef Früchtl, Hamburg 2003, pp. 19-44
(see also 'Book tips' in Kunsthistorische Arbeitsblätter 9/ 2004, p. 65)

"Barry Le Va. Geordnete Unordnungen - ungeordnete Ordnungen" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 65, No. 5, 1st quarter 2004 (18 pages)

"Jeffrey Shaw. Visions of a Techno-Artist" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, issue 66, issue 13, 2nd quarter 2004 (18 pages)

"Authentic Replicas, or Just Like a Hollywood Movie. Notes on the Cinematized Las Vegas Strip" in: Christian W. Thomsen/ Angela Krewani (Eds.): Hollywood: Recent Developments. Innovation - New Technologies - Architecture (Stuttgart/ London: Edition Axel Menges 2005), pp. 184-193, fn 202-203

"Werner Pokorny. Der Herr der Häuser" and 'An e-dialogue between Werner Pokorny and Pamela C. Scorzin (Karlsruhe - Milano, April 2005)' in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 71, No. 17, 3rd quarter (September) 2005 (18 pages)

"Jonathan Meese. Meesianism" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, issue 73, no. 5, 1st quarter 2006 (18 pages)

Statement 'Lustvoll zum Ziel der Erkenntnis navigieren' in: Michael Scheibel: "'Under Construction'. An opinion review on the transformation of educational institutions (Part 2)" in: MERZ MEDIEN + ERZIEHUNG . Journal for Media Education, 3/2006, pp. 70-71

"Thomas Struth. Capturing the unconscious in the visible" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 75, No. 21, 3rd quarter 2006 (18 pages)

"The 'Real Virtual Reality': Campus Lichtwiese, Darmstadt University of Technology being mapped by osa_Office for Subversive Architecture, Autumn 2004" in: 'unterwegs'. Temporary guidance system for the "Day of Technology" under the motto 'Mobilträume' on October 8, 2004 on the Campus Lichtwiese of the TU Darmstadt, published by osa/ Technische Universität Darmstadt 2007 (Inlay: 7 pages)

"Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller. Seeing with the ears" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 80, No. 24, 4th quarter 2007 (18 pages)

Review of "Hans Dieter Huber: Kunst als soziale Konstruktion (München: Fink 2007)" in: Journal für Kunstgeschichte/ Journal of Art History: Die internationale Rezensionszeitschrift, 12. Jahrgang 2008, Heft 2, S. 165-169

Review of "'Thermocline of Art. New Asian Wave', ed. by Wonil Rhee/ Peter Weibel/ Gregor Jansen (exhib. cat. ZKM | Karlsruhe/ Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag 2007" in: Journal für Kunstgeschichte/ Journal of Art History: Die internationale Rezensionszeitschrift, 12. Jahrgang 2008, Heft 2, S. 169-171

"Nan Goldin. In search of the lost authenticity of photography" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 83, No. 16, 3rd quarter 2008 (20 pages)

"MetaScenography. The Paradise Institute' by Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller as a staged hyperspace of post-aestheticist scenography in: Ralf Bohn/ Heiner Wilharm (eds.): Inszenierung und Ereignis. Contributions to the Theory and Practice of Scenography (Bielefeld 2009: Transcript), pp. 301-314

"Francis Alÿs. Fabulous Art - Migrating Images" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 86, No. 14, 2nd quarter 2009 (20 pages)

Review of: "Notation. Kalkül und Form in den Künsten, edited by Hubertus von Amelunxen, Dieter Appelt and Peter Weibel in collaboration with Angela Lammert, catalog book Berlin: Akademie der Künste 2008" in: Journal für Kunstgeschichte/ Journal of Art History: Die internationale Rezensionszeitschrift, 13. Jahrgang 2009, Heft 2, S. 131-136

"On the Realization of the Imaginary and the Unrealization of the Real. On Scenographic Truth in the Work of Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller" in: Monitoring Scenography 2: Space and Truth, ed. by Thea Brejzek/ Wolfgang Greisenegger/ Lawrence Wallen (Zurich: Zurich University of the Arts, Institute for Design and Technology 2009), pp. 138-149

"In contact with... JAN HOET/ JOCHEN GERZ/ PETER WEIBEL/ KARL-HEINZ PETZINKA" in: REFLEKTOR2. Design-Jahrbuch 2009 am FB Design (Stuttgart: Arnoldsche Art Publishers 2009) (20 pages)
"Teresa Hubbard & Alexander Birchler. Lost in Interpretation" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, Issue 87, No. 16, 3rd quarter 2009 (20 pages)

"Von Parkinszenierungen zu inszenierender Fotografie in Parks" in: Caroline Dlugos (ed.): (in) Dortmunder Parks (Heidelberg: Kerber 2010), 3 pages

"In Oscillation between Authenticity and Fiction. On the photographic art of Nan Goldin" in: Lars Blunck (ed.): Die fotografische Wirklichkeit. Staging, Fiction, Narration (Bielefeld: Transcript 2010), pp. 129-142

"Voice-over Image" in: Images of Illegalized Immigration. Towards a Critical Iconology of Politics, ed. by Christine Bischoff, Francesca Falk and Sylvia Kafehsy (Bielefeld: Transcript 2010), pp. 101-110

"Trust is Good, Scenography is Better!" in: EXTRACT 2. Aspects of Exhibition and Museum Design, ed. by Karl Stocker (Graz: FH Joanneum 2010), pp. 70-75

"Trust is good, scenography is better" in: REFLEKTOR3 (Bönen: Kettler 2010)

"MetaScenography. On the Metareferential Turn in Scenography" in: Werner Wolf, Ed. in Collaboration with Katharina Bantleon and Jeff Thoss: The Meta-Referential Turn: Forms, Functions, Attempts at Explanation. Studies in Intermediality 5 (Amsterdam/ New York, NY: Rodopi 2011), pp. 259-278

"The 'Messiah Factor'. Über eine Vertrauensfigur in Inszenierungen von Kunst, Politik und Kultur" in: Ralf Bohn/ Heiner Wilharm (eds.): Inszenierung und Vertrauen. Border crossings of scenography (Bielefeld: transcript 2011), pp. 119-134

"Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset. The White Cube recoded" in: KÜNSLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, issue 93, issue 2, 1st quarter 2011 (20 pages)

"HD Schrader. Homage to the Cube" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, issue 94, issue 13, 2nd quarter 2011 (20 pages)

"Laser.Licht.Räume/ Laser.Light.Spaces. On the series of laser installations "lichtschneise" by Margareta Hesse" in: Margareta Hesse. lichtschneise. Laser-Installationen, ed. by the Stadtgalerie im Elbeforum, Brunsbüttel (catalog book Bönen: Kettler 2011), pp. 8-18 (English: pp. 30-39)

"Stream of Scenography. Discourse by Pamela C. Scorzin" in: PLOT. Inszenierungen im Raum/ Creative Spaces, 2nd Volume, Issue No. 8 (April 2011), pp. 92-93

"Global Design Art - am Beispiel des Fashion Films 'First Spring' von Yang Fudong" in: Kunsttexte.de, Journal für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, KunstDesign-Themenheft 2: Kunst und Mode, Gora Jain (ed.), 2011, www.kunsttexte.de (8 pages)

Review of "Robert Wilson. Video Portraits, ed. by Peter Weibel, Harald Falckenberg, Matthew Shattuck. With contributions by Robert Wilson, Peter Weibel, Nicola Suthor, Ali Hossaini, Noah Khoshbin and Matthew Shattuck, Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2011" in: Journal für Kunstgeschichte/ Journal of Art History: Die internationale Rezensionszeitschrift, 15. Jahrgang, Heft 3, 2011, pp. 203-212

Review of "Imagery in the 21st Century, ed. by Oliver Grau, with Thomas Veigl - Cambridge, Mass. (et al.): MIT Press, 2011" in: Journal für Kunstgeschichte/ Journal of Art History: Die internationale Rezensionszeitschrift, 15. Jahrgang, Heft 4, 2011, pp. 278-281

"Risiko Relationale Szenographie - am Beispiel der RUHR.2010 Kunstprojekte" in: Ralf Bohn/ Heiner Wilharm (eds.): Inszenierung der Stadt. Urbanity as an Event (Bielefeld: transcript 2012), pp. 51-66

Film Scenes Reviews of "Indecent Proposal (1993)", "Ocean's Thirteen (2007)" and "Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)" in: World Film Locations: Las Vegas, ed. by Marcelline Block (Bristol: Intellect/ Chicago: University of Chigaco Press 2012), pp. 60-61, 110-111, 112-113

"Martin Liebscher. Liebscher is everyone" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, issue 97, issue 4, 1st quarter 2012 (20 pages)

"Pleasure Palaces: A Brief History of New Orleans's Historic Cinemas" in: World Film Locations: New Orleans, ed. by Scott Jordan Harris (Bristol: Intellect/ Chicago: University of Chigaco Press 2012), pp. 120-121

"Philip Loersch. Die Verzeichnung der Welt" in: KÜNSTLER. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, issue 98, no. 11, 2nd quarter 2012 (20 pages)

"Oberfläche mit Tiefe/ The Depth under the Surface in the Series 'Garden of Eden' by Andrzej Maciejewski" (Polish/ German/ English) in: Andrzej Maciejewski. Garden of Eden (cat. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada and others 2012), pp. 5-16

"Intermedia Theater. Tendencies in Contemporary Intermedia Theater - Using the Example of the Works of the Düsseldorf Theater der Klaenge" in: Jörg U. Lensing (ed.): 25 years of Theater der Klänge (catalog book Theatermuseum Düsseldorf 2012), pp. 26-28

Film Scene Reviews of "Traitor (2008)" in: World Film Locations: Marseilles, ed. by Marcelline Block (Bristol: Intellect/ Chicago: University of Chigaco Press 2013), pp. 116-117

"Effekt und Affekt in Scenographic Fashion Shows" in: Ralf Bohn/ Heiner Wilharm (eds.): Inszenierung und Effekte. The Magic of Scenography (Bielefeld: transcript 2013), pp. 41-56

"Robert Wilson's Scenographic HD Video Portraits: Image and Identity as Theatrical Staging Effect" in Ralf Bohn/ Heiner Wilharm (eds.): Staging and Effects. The magic of scenography (Bielefeld: transcript 2013), pp. 57-74

"On the invisible in the visible. Scenographic visualization strategies and modern identity constructions using the example of Jeff Wall's 'After Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, the Prologue'" in: IMAGE - Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft, issue 18 (Bild und Moderne), 2/2013, edited by Martin Scholz, 28 pages, ePublication: http://www.gib.uni-tuebingen.de/image?function=fnArticle&showArticle=251

"Scenographic Fashion Shows - a statement by Pamela C. Scorzin" in: PLOT. Inszenierungen im Raum/ Creative Spaces, Issue No. 9: Dress the Stage on Fire (March 2013), pp. 14-23

"Contemporary Shop Window Art of Global Brands" in: Ruth K. Scheel/ Stiftung Pro Klingentalmuseum Basel (ed.): SCHAUFENSTERKULTUR - Inszenierte Warenwelt in Basel (cat. Basel: Christoph Merian Verlag 2013), pp. 80-93

"Shooting Ourselves To Death. How the cell phone camera is revolutionizing photography" in: cahiers - Hefte zur Fotografie. The magazine of the Master's program in Photography - Photographic Studies at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, issue 01/ 2013, pp. 42-47

"Film Scene Reviews of 'Trahison, 2008' and 'Le Transporteur 3, 2008'" in: Filmer Marseille, sous la direction de Marcelline Block (Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires de Provence 2013), pp. 128-131

"LIGHT ZONES. From Color to Light, from the Material to the Immaterial, from Ratio to Emotion/ LIGHT ZONES. From Color to Light, from the Material to the Immaterial, from the Rational to the Emotional" in: Margareta Hesse. Light Zones, ed. by KunstMuseum Ahlen (catalog book Ahlen/ Bönen: Kettler 2013), pp. 12-45

"Typography and topography. Using the example of the work The Legible City by Jeffrey Shaw" in: Slanted #22. Typography and Graphic Design, 'Art Type', edited by Lars Harmsen and Julia Kahl, Autumn/ Winter 2013/14, pp. 203-208

Film Scene Reviews of 'Mystic River (2003)', '21 (2008)' and 'The Company Men (2010)' in: World Film Locations: Boston, ed. by Marcelline Block (Bristol: Intellect/ Chicago: University of Chigaco Press 2014), pp. 86-87, 100-101, 116-117

"Questions to Madame Peripetie" in: Sylwana Zybura (ed.): Madame Peripetie. 'Dream Sequence'' (Lüdenscheid/ Berlin: seltmann+söhne Verlag 2014), p. 109


"'Everything is connected'. Zum Plastikbegriff des frühen 21. Jahrhunderts - am Beispiel von Matthew Barney und Pierre Huyghe', in: kunsttexte.de, E-Journal für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, Sektion Gegenwart Nr. 1, Themenheft: Skulptur des 21. Jahrhunderts II: 'Spezifische Formungen, Materialien und Situationen zeitgenössischer Skulptur', ed. by Lutz Hengst / Christiane G. Kant, Berlin: Humboldt University 2015 (13 pages), on the Internet at URL: http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/kunsttexte/2015-1/scorzin-pamela-c.-1/PDF/scorzin.pdf

"Scenographic Branding as a New Method and Creative Tool for Museums Exhibiting Europe in a Globalized Era" in: EMEE/ YOUNG SCENOGRAPHERS CONTEST - Catalogue of the Travelling Exhibition, ed. by Uwe R. Brückner/ Linda Greci; Publisher for EMEE: Susanne Popp/Günther Friesinger; Texts: Ruedi Baur, Pamela C. Scorzin (Vienna: edition mono/ monochrom 2015), pp. 121-123, and on the Internet at URL: http://www.museums-exhibiting-europe.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Emee_YSCKatalog_2015_dig.pdf

"Some Reflections on the Photofilmic Aesthetics and Visual Rhetoric of Fraught Imges in Rabih Mroué's The Pixelated Revolution (2012)" in: Image & Narrative. Volume 16, No. 1 (2015): Photofilmic Art, Part 1: Negotiating Fraught Images in a Contemporary Public Sphere, ed. by Brianne Cohen and Alexander Streitberger, Brussels, Online Magazine of the Visual Narrative - ISSN 1780-678X, pp. 75-84, on the Internet at URL http://www.imageandnarrative.be/index.php/imagenarrative/article/view/775/586

"Scenocracy of the culture of excitement. On the re-enactment and appropriation of the current global protest culture in the contemporary arts" in: Inszenierung und Politik. Scenography in the Social Field, ed. by Ralf Bohn and Heiner Wilharm (Bielefeld: transcript, 2015), pp. 121-144

"Longing for Beauty/ Sehnsucht nach Schönheit" in: Samaneh Khosravi. Unter Frauen/ Among Women (Bielefeld 2015), German/Engl.

Scenographic Fashion Design. Zur Inszenierung von Mode und Marken (272 pages, 90 illustrations, volume 13 of the Szenographie & Szenologie series published by transcript Verlag in Bielefeld)

- Cf. the author interview on the book: http://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-3413-6/scenographic-fashion-design-zur-inszenierung-von-mode-und-marken

"In the Matter of Mash-up. An Interview with Pamela C. Scorzin" in: fount magazine. mash-up culture, Issue No. 1: Mash-up - Plant a Mountain (2016) , pp. 34-35

"Refresh Abstraction! Day Glo Neo Geo" in: Isabel Wünsche/ Wiebke Gronemeyer (eds.): Practices of Abstract Art: Between Anarchism and Appropriation (Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2016), pp. 285-298

"Shooting Ourselves to Death. On the structural relationship between digital and political transformations in the present using the example of Rabih Mroué's 'The Pixelated Revolution'" in: Let's Mix (All Media) Together & Hans Dieter Huber. Festschrift for Hans Dieter Huber on his 60th birthday, ed. by Hannelore Paflik-Huber, designed by Uli Cluss (Berlin: Hatje Cantz 2016), pp. 53-65

"Everything can be connected to everything else! Hyperimages of the post-photographic as a global exhibition dispositive of the present - using the example of the multi-image installations by Wolfgang Tillmanns and Mareike Foecking" in: kunsttexte.de, E-Journal für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte, Section 'Kunst Design Alltag', Themenheft: Hyperimages in zeitgenössischer Kunst und Gestaltung, ed. by Sabine Bartelsheim, Berlin: Humboldt Universität, No. 3/ 2016, 11 pages - Link: http://www.kunsttexte.de/index.php?id=701&L=0

"It's 2060. I ask my Siri Holodeck: 'Robot human marriage'" in: fount magazine. mash-up culture, Issue No. 2: Connect (Summer 2017) , pp. 119-120

"Urban Art by osa as a Laboratory - New Approaches to Urban Architecture, City Planning and Community Building" in: Ilaria Hoppe/ Ulrich Blanché/ Pedro Soares Neves (eds.): Urban Art: Creating the Urban with Art: Proceedings of the International Conference at Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin 15-16 July, 2016, SAUC: International Research Topic, Lisbon: University of Lisbon/ Pedro Soares Neves (2018), pp. 144-154

"A heart for scenography. Do scenographers need more likes?" in: ZUKUNFT AUSSTELLEN, ed. by Gregor Isenbort (Dortmund: DASA - Arbeitswelt Ausstellung 2019), pp. 18-21

"Theatre of Fashion: Scenographic Fashion Shows as Theatrical Practice in Design" in: Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine, Issue 1 (March 2019), pp. 11-22 and at https://artstyle.international/issue-1/

"From maxi to mini and vice versa. Zum Motiv der Modepuppe bei Viktor & Rolf als Modemedium/ From Maxi to Mini and Vice Versa: On the Motif of the Fashion Doll as Fashion Medium in the Work of Viktor & Rolf" in: 'denkste: puppe / just a bit of : doll (de:do)'. Multidisciplinary online journal for human-doll discourses, ed. by Insa Fooken et al. (Issue 1/ 2019: Dolls as miniatures - more than small), Siegen: Universitätsverlag 2019, pp. 55-63. see https://denkste-puppe.info/ausgaben/

"Photography is... / La Photographie c'est..." in: exhibition catalog Re:Vue, ed. by Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Dortmund/ Arles: L'atelier Cinq 2019), pp. 2-6.

"Art as an aesthetic consumer good: Louis Vuitton x Jeff Koons" in: KRITISCHE BERICHTE. Issue 4 (2019): Art & Design. Relations of applied and autonomous, pp. 64-76

"Fashion as performance - performance as fashion" in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, vol. 264: ACT! The unleashed performance, 2019, pp. 130-143

"Stylish Superhumans: Some Thoughts on the Mesmerizing Imagery of CROSSLUCID (Sylwana Zybura & Tomas C. Toth)" in: VOLTAIRE. Issue 6: Fashion ON/OFF (Dortmund 2019), pp. 62-77

"Identity and Authenticity on Social Media: 'How to Take a Selfie' for Instagram with Artist Andy Kassier" in: Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine, Issue 3 (Autumn 2019), pp. 51-66; available online at URL: https://artstyle2018.files.wordpress.com/2019/09/art-style-magazine-volume-3-issue-3-september-2019.pdf

(With Marcel R. Marburger and Ralf Bohn) "Drei Gedanken zum Bauhaus Gedanken" in: nullnummer, Issue 1, ed. by Jonas Brüggemann (Dortmund 2019), pp. 31-34

"Review: respektive Peter Weibel, ZKM Karlsruhe, 28.09.2019-08.03.2020", in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, vol. 264: ACT! The unleashed performance, 2019, pp. 255-257

Interview: "Pamela C. Scorzin on Peter Weibel" in: PLOT - Inszenierungen im Raum (November 4, 2019), available online at URL: https://www.plotmag.com/blog/2019/11/pamela-scorzin-ueber-peter-weibel/

"Scenopolitics!" in: Politics. Points of View. An interactive magazine for scenography and changing perspectives, edited by Gregor Isenbort/ DASA Dortmund 2020, pp. 88-91

"Orbital Art in the Age of Internet and Space Flight: From Terrestrial to Orbital Perspectives-with a particular focus on German artist Achim Mohné" in: Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine, Volume 5, Issue 5 (March 2020), pp. 25-50; available online at URL: https://artstyle.international/issue-5?fbclid=IwAR0Qaz5Z79768UIkDqqNghYy1wTwLOuSBYgyGJJVY1C1BnE5trx2mJgmS54

"Art for consumption?! On the significance of the collaboration between fine art and luxury brands for consumer aesthetics and consumer performances on social media such as Instagram" in: Christian Bala et al. (eds.): Konsumästhetik zwischen Kunst, Kritik und Kennerschaft (= Verbraucherzentrale NRW, Beiträge zur Verbraucherforschung, Vol. 11) (Düsseldorf 2020), pp. 73-84

"Scenography is..." in: P. Kiedaisch, S. Marinescu, J. Poesch (eds.): Szenografie. The compendium on the networked design discipline (Stuttgart: AVEdition 2020), pp. 265-66

"Lynn Hershman Leeson: 'I think algorithms are the titanium white of painting in this era. A conversation by Pamela Scorzin" in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, vol. 268: Gegenwartsbefreiung Malerei. Tendencies in the 21st century (June-July 2020), pp. 212-223

"Review: CRITICAL ZONES. Horizons of a New Earth Politics, ZKM Karlsruhe, May 23, 2020 - February 28, 2021" in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, vol. 269 (August-September 2020): Disenchanted Globalization. Alternative visions of the polycultural, pp. 296-298

"Review: Karl Lagerfeld. Photography - The Retrospective. Kunstmuseum Moritzburg, Halle a. d. Saale, 08.03.2020-06.01.2021" in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, vol. 270: exhibit! Exhibiting as artistic practice (October 2020), pp. 266-268

"Review: Home Stories. 100 years, 20 visionary interiors. Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, Germany, February 8, 2020 to February 28, 2021" in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, vol. 271: Quo Vadis Biennale? (November-December 2020), pp. 306-308

"2020: BC/DC/AC: the digital semester", NULLNUMMER, newspaper of the Department of Design at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, issue 1 (2020/21), pp. 18-19

"Review: Faţadă/Fassade, Dortmunder U: HMKV, October 24, 2020 - April 11, 2021" in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, vol. 272 (January - February 2021), pp. 250-251

Pamela C. Scorzin: "Review: Rainer Fetting, Dortmunder U: November 29, 2020 - April 05, 2021" in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, vol. 274 (May 2021), pp. 251-253

"Eyewitness images as agents in political conflicts - using the example of Rabih Mroué" in: Christiane Kruse/ Birgit Mersmann (eds.): Bildagenten. Historical and Contemporary Image Practices in Global Cultures (Munich: Fink Verlag, Series: Dynamis 2021), pp. 177-195

"As Real as Rihanna? The Curious Case of Miquela Sousa" in: Slanted Magazine #37 (Spring/ Summer 2021): AI - Artificial Intelligence, ed. by Lars Harmsen and Julia Kahl, pp. 100-105

"Rez. STUDIO 54: Night Magic, Dortmunder U, 26.06.-17.10.2021" in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 276 (August - September 2021), pp. 240-242

"On the Contemporary Scenopolitics: Urban Protest in Major Cities" in: ART STYLE | Art & Culture. International Magazine, Vol. 8, Issue 8.1: Metropolis: Visual Dynamic and Democratic Ideals (September 2021), p. 70-85

"More human than human: Digital Dolls on Social Media" in: "Puppen als Seelenverwandte - biographische Spuren von Puppen in Kunst, Literatur, Werk und Darstellung / Dolls/puppets as soulmates - biographical traces of dolls/puppets in art, literature, work and performance", denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll 1/2021, ed. by Insa Fooken and Jana Mikota, Siegen: University Press, pp. 157-166, available in print and online - DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25819/ubsi/9992

"AC: DES'AI'GN" in: NULLNUMMER - Newspaper of the Department of Design, FH Dortmund (Issue 2, 2021/22). S. 12-13

KUNSTFORUM International vol. 278 (November - December 2021): AI ART
Can AI be art? New Positions and Technified Aesthetics, ed. by Pamela C. Scorzin, Cologne 2021, 340 pages, color illustrations, ISSN 0177-3674
- with numerous contributions by Pamela C. Scorzin, Peter Weibel, Arthur I. Miller, Jens Schröter, Inke Arns, Lars Harmsen, Trevor Paglen, Hans Dieter Huber, Philippe Parreno, Nora Al-Badri, Refik Anadol and others.

"AR Biennale: LEVEL UP! NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, 22.08.2021-20.02.2022" in: KUNSTFORUM International Vol. 278 (November - December 2021): AI ART, PP. 284-289


"Review BioMedia. The age of media with life-like behavior, ZKM Karlsruhe, 18.12.2021-28.08.2022" in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, vol. 281: (syn) Living (bios) together. The art of togetherness as a global survival strategy (May-June 2022), pp. 280-282

"Co-creation and evolution in AI ART - using the example of Pierre Huyghe's 'Mental Image' installations," in: kunsttexte.de, Festausgabe, ed. by Sabine Bartelsheim/ Gora Jain (Sektion KunstDesignAlltag), No. 1, 2022 (7 pages), www.kunsttexte.de. Link to PDF: https://journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/kunsttexte/article/view/88240?fbclid=IwAR3m_R3QMoCmtqByecY86AsQ68hdst1hvO0K6y3Ye2uBzhB19ptjyAcWWis

"Review: Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller. Wilhelm Lehmbruck Prize Winner 2020 of the City of Duisburg and the Landschaftsverband Rheinland, Lehmbruck Museum Duisburg" in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 283: documenta fifteen (July-September 2022), pp. 363-365

Pamela C. Scorzin and Dirk Gebhardt, "Our orange is colorful! Fachbereich Design der Fachhochschule Dortmund" in: FHESTSCHRIFT: Wir werden 50. Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, edited by Professor Dr. Wilhelm Schwick (Dortmund 2022), 20 pages

"Future Bodies from a Recent Past. Sculpture, Technology, Bodies since the 1950s, Museum Brandhorst Munich" in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, vol. 284 (October 2022), pp. 260-262.

"Digital Body Images. Artificial Intelligence and the New Body Image" - a text version of the lecture at the DFG conference "Creative Practices and Reflections on the Digital Image" (Philipps University Marburg, July 07-09, 2022) - open access publication on the SPP blog at https://www.digitalesbild.gwi.uni-muenchen.de/digital-body-images-kuenstliche-intelligenz-und-das-neue-koerperbild/

"Wonderwalls. Art & Toys, NRW-Forum Düsseldorf" in: KUNSTFORUM INTERNATIONAL, vol. 285 (November-December 2022), pp. 250-252.

"To you or to me? Where should teaching take place today and in the future?" in: NULLNUMMER, newspaper of the Department of Design at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, no. 3 (2022), pp. 10-11


"Art, AI and co-creativity. On the algorithmized aesthetics of AI Art" in: Lars C. Grabbe/ Christiane Wagner/ Tobias Held (eds.): Kunst, Design und die 'technisierte Ästhetik' (Marburg: Büchner Verlag 2023), pp. 232-249

"Matter. Non-Matter. Anti-Matter. Past Exhibitions as Digital Experience" (ZKM Karlsruhe, 03.12.2022 - 23.04.2023" in: KUNSTFORUM International, vol. 287 (March 2023): Post-Vandalism. An Aesthetics of the Street, pp. 266-268

"The Kunstforum is characterized by the fact that it is not a handmaiden of the market... Peter Weibel in conversation with Pamela C. Scorzin" in: KUNSTFORUM International, vol. 288 (April 2023): 50 years of KUNSTFORUM - 1973-2023, pp. 260-263

"EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. Current concepts for photography, Kunstmuseum Bonn, 16.02.-30.04.2023" in: KUNSTFORUM International, vol. 288 (April 2023): 50 years of KUNSTFORUM - 1973-2023, pp. 314-316

"Between Fact, Fiction & AI. Elizabeth Price" in: SCHIRNMag of the Kunsthalle SCHIRN in Frankfurt am Main, online: https://www.schirn.de/magazin/kontext/2023/elizabeth_price/zwischen_fakt_fiktion_ki/

"AI Body Images and the Meta-Human. On the Rise of AI-generated Avatars for Mixed Realities and the Metaverse" in: IMAGE. Journal for Interdisciplinary Image Science. Volume 37 (1/2023): Generative Imagery: Towards a 'New Paradigm' of Machine Learning-Based Image Production, ed. by Lukas A. R. Wilde, Marcel Lemmes and Klaus Sachs-Hombach, online at https://image-journal.de/ai-body-images-and-the-meta-human/, ISSN 1614-0885, DOI 10.1453/1614-0885-1-2023-15470

KUNSTFORUM International vol. 290 (July - August 2023): Mixed Realities. Neue Wirklichkeiten in der Kunst, ed. by Pamela C. Scorzin, Cologne 2023, 320 pages, color illustrations, ISSN 0177-3674 - with numerous essays on MR, a glossary and interviews (including with Banz & Bowinkel, Achim Mohné, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Manuel Rossner and Tamiko Thiel).

"Isa Genzken. 75/75. Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin, 13.07.2023 - 27.11.2023" in: KUNSTFORUM International, vol. 291 (September-October 2023): Heimat. About an ambivalent feeling, pp. 208-211

"Touch the Light and be touched by the light! On the laser art of Margareta Hesse" in: Margareta Hesse. Touch the Light (catalog book Unna: Center for International Light Art, 2023), pp. 8-21 (English translation ibid., pp. 22-40), ISBN 978-3-947696-98-7

"AI ART. On algorithmized aesthetics in the cultures of digitality" in: Marco Tamborini (ed.): Die Ästhetik der Technowissenschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2023), pp. 135-150. ISBN 978-3-534-40790-3 (Print + eBook/PDF as Open Access)

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