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LiW: Lebensqualität Älterer im Wohnquartier

LiW: Lebensqualität Älterer im Wohnquartier

Fast facts

About the project

A three-year practical research project was launched in June 2010. Entitled "Self-determined ageing in the Ruhr region: Improving the quality of life in residential areas - enabling individual participation, strengthening the willingness to take responsibility, establishing a supportive infrastructure", the project aims to improve the quality of life of older people in a residential area typical of the Ruhr region (LiW: Lebensqualität im Wohnquartier). The LiW project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of research funding at universities of applied sciences in the funding line: "Social innovations for quality of life in old age (SILQUA-FH)".

Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Book contributions

  • Rüßler, Harald/Köster, Dietmar/Stiel, Janina/Heite, Elisabeth (2015): Quality of life in residential neighborhoods. A contribution to the design of ageing urban societies. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  • Rüßler, Harald/Stiel, Janina (2015): Participation as older people see it - participation in the neighborhood from the perspective of older citizens. In: Anne van Rießen, Christian Bleck & Reinhold Knopp (eds.): Social space and age(ing). Approaches, processes and transitions in socio-spatial action research (pp. 157-183). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
  • Stiel Janina/Rüßler, Harald/Köster, Dietmar/ Heite, Elisabeth (eds.) (2013): Quality of life for older people in residential areas. Documentation of the symposium on June 27, 2013, Dortmund.
  • Heite, Elisabeth (2012): Civic engagement of older people in the neighborhood. Equal opportunities for participation and co-design for all? Freiburg.


  • Heite, Elisabeth/Rüßler, Harald/Stiel, Janina (2015): Age(ing) and participatory neighborhood development. Stumbling blocks and prospects for social sustainability. In: Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics (ZGG), 5/2015. p. 415-425.
  • Rüßler, Harald/Stiel, Janina (2013): Urban demographic policy - neighborhood development through participation in old age. In: Information Service on Ageing 40, Issue 3. p. 11-17.
  • Rüßler, Harald/Stiel, Janina (2013): "You can now say what you want." Participatory neighborhood development in aging urban societies. In: Sozialmagazin, issue 5/6 2013. p. 26-36.
  • Rüßler, Harald/Stiel, Janina (2013): Growing older self-determined in the neighborhood: Participation, quality of life and social space reference. In: Sozialraum.de, No. 1/2013.
  • Rüßler, Harald (2013): Shaping ageing urban societies - improving quality of life in residential neighborhoods, strengthening local democracy. In: Theory and Practice of Social Work (TUP), 64th Vol., H.2. p.97-107.
  • Rüßler, Harald/ Köster, Dietmar/ Heite, Elisabeth/ Stiel, Janina (2013): Social inequality and participation in ageing urban societies. In: Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics (ZGG), 4/2013. p. 306-311.
  • Köster, Dietmar/Rüßler, Harald/Stiel, Janina (2012): Quality of life and participation in residential neighborhoods. In: neue praxis. Issue 4/2012: p. 407 -42.

Trade press

  • Orange - Research magazine of Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts 2012 "Ü60 shapes the future - for a good life in Schalke"
  • fh 20 - Aktuelle Nachrichten aus der Fachhochschulforschung 01/2012 "Growing older in a self-determined way - improving the quality of life of older people in the Ruhr region"
  • "Smart Cities" catalog of the InnovationsAllianz der NRW Hochschulen e.V. from 2012 "Improving Quality of Life for Older People in Social Spaces"
  • fh-presse, newspaper of Fachhochschule Dortmund 03/2012 "The voices of senior citizens - a valuable asset - In Gelsenkirchen Schalke, senior citizens are committed to improving the quality of life in the district"

Daily press

  • Sep/2010, fh presse: "Self-determined life in old age - research and development project examines quality of life in residential areas"
  • 15.11.2011, WAZ: "Senior citizens get model character"
  • 15.11.2010, Gelsennet: "Schalke research project aims to improve the quality of life of older people in their residential area"
  • 15.11.2013, buerpott: "Old people want a say - research at Schalke"
  • 12/2010, Senioren Aktuell: "Researchers in Schalke - Three-year study in the district aims to improve the quality of life of older people"
  • 02/2011, WAZ: "How we live in old age"
  • 4/2011, GEnior: "Self-determined ageing in the Ruhr region"
  • 7/2011, GEnior: "Self-determined ageing in the Ruhr region - project status information"
  • 19.07.2011, WAZ: "Living well in Schalke?"
  • 23.08.2011, Kölnische Rundschau: "'Little things' increase quality of life"
  • 19.01.2012, WAZ: on the announcement of the 4th senior citizens' conference
  • 21.01.2012, WAZ: "Better living in Schalke - 4th senior citizens' conference highlights new criticism, proposed solutions and perspectives"
  • 25.01.2012, Stadtspiegel Gelsenkirchen: "Active participation project aims to improve the quality of life in Schalke"
  • May/ 2012, fh presse: "The voice of senior citizens - a valuable asset"
  • 01.06.2012, Halterner Zeitung: "Everyone benefits from the dialog between the generations"
  • 01/06/2012, WAZ: "Schalke should be safe and clean"
  • Oct/ 2012, AWO Profil, Workers' Welfare Association in Dortmund: "The new old people - have a say and join in"
  • WAZ 23.02.2013 "For a Schalke worth living in"
  • fh presse May 2013 "More quality of life for older people in their living environment"
  • WAZ 11.06.13 "Pool of ideas and information exchange for the conference "Living well in Schalke"

Contact & Team

Contact person and management


Janina Stiel
Lisa Heite

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