The online application in the UAS study place portal
You can access our study place portal(Opens in a new tab) via this link.
You must first register before applying. To do this, please click on "Register now!" and enter your details on the following slide. If you are applying for a Bachelor's degree program with restricted admission, please enter your BID and BAN. Your data will then be transferred.
Complete the data entry by clicking on the "Register" button at the bottom of the page.
Please note
Are you a non-EU citizen and have not obtained your higher education entrance qualification in Germany (assessment test certificates are only valid in conjunction with the home country certificate and therefore do not count as a German higher education entrance qualification)? If you are also not married to an EU citizen, please apply directly via Uni-Assist. (Only applies to applications for Bachelor's degree programs).
Do you not have a high school diploma and still want to study? Please click HERE(Opens in a new tab) .
Verify the account
After completing the data entry, you must verify your account and thus activate it. You have two options for this:
1. e-mail verification You will receive an e-mail with your user ID after completing the data entry. If you follow the link contained in the e-mail, your account will be activated automatically.
2. manual entry If the link in the e-mail does not work, you have the option of entering the code contained in the e-mail manually. To do this, select the "Application" tab in the portal and then the "E-mail verification" item, enter the code and click on "OK".
Login and start application
Now you can log in to the portal (either at the top right of the page or centrally on the page when you first log in) with your user ID (from the e-mail) and the password you chose yourself during registration
It is only possible to apply for a specific semester. This is preset and cannot be changed. Click on "Start application". Now click on "Add application". Complete your data on the following slides.
Send online application
Once you have entered all your data, you will be taken to an overview page. Here you will be asked to check the data you have entered once again.
To submit your application, please scroll to the bottom of this page. Here you can confirm that your details are correct and then click on "Submit application".
Further information on the online application
Optional: Change application data BEFORE submitting the application
Changes to the data you have entered can be made at various points in the application, but no later than 15.01. (when applying for a summer semester) / 15.07. (when applying for a winter semester).
On the overview page BEFORE SUBMITTING your application, please note that data is incomplete or incorrect. Please click on "Back" at the bottom of the page. On this page, click on "Edit application". You will be returned to the original entry page. After changing the data, please click through to the end of the application again.
Optional: Change application data AFTER submitting the application
If there are changes to your application AFTER you have submitted it, a distinction must be made.
If it concerns changes to your personal data (e.g. address changes), you can change these in the right-hand column of your overview page by clicking on "Edit address", "Edit telephone number" or "Edit cell phone number".
For all other details, the application must be withdrawn. This is done by selecting "Withdraw and edit application" at the top of your overview page. Once you have withdrawn the application, you can change the relevant data and then resubmit the application if necessary.
Please note: Changes of any kind are only possible until 15.01. (when applying for a summer semester)/ 15.07. (when applying for a winter semester). If an application is withdrawn after this date, it will no longer be included in the allocation procedure. It is then no longer possible to resubmit the application.
Regardless of the date, you can no longer change your data after you have received an offer of admission (e.g. in an admission-free study program).